May 10, 2024

in #ctp10 months ago

What a weekend... I traveled to Asheville NC on Friday morning, (5am flight, who TF scheduled that?) Arrived in Asheville at about 9:30am, after a nightmare of an experience at Orlando International where my date of birth on the boarding pass did not match my DL. After being sent back to the ticket counter to get it fixed, we finally were able to get through TSA, but they confiscated my shaving cream, we made the flight with a stopover in Charlotte... we landed and docked at gate C, however our connecting flight was at gate E, a 16 minute walk all the way to the other side of the airport. We made it just in time, able to get coffee and breakfast sandwiches before boarding. My hips and knees are killing me at this point because in the last 5 or six years I have never walked so many steps as i did that day (when it was all said anddone, 8000+ steps on Friday alone) so by the time our flight landed in Asheville i was already exhausted and tired. We took an "uber" to our friends home and hung out with her, got all of her belongings packed, and made plans for the next day for loading the rental truck. We then took another "Uber" too the rental agency to pick up the truck. When we got there the truck was ready, but I had to verify my insurance would cover the truck. After 20 minutes on the phone, I finally git confirmation it was covered. So from the rental agency we went to the hotel we had a reservation for, the parking situation was not the best they had a lot on the south end of the hotel, but there was a gate that was closed, therefore we had to have this gate open, the lot was pretty full, I parked this box truck at an angle and prayed the truck next to us would not be hindered in case they needed to leave. The next morning we discovered we were boxed in by a person that parked illegally, we had to wait for this person to move his vehicle so that we could get out. (remember, we are driving a 12 foot box truck). We went to our friends place again and loaded the truck with her shit, put her IN the truck and drove back to the hotel. The gate was still open and i parked the truck ass end unto a spot, locked it, and we all went up to the room with plans to head south the next day. Let me fast forward to the night before... my companion and I (view her picture on my page) went to a local BBQ joint for dinner. Now, picture if you will. As we got onto the property (we walked from the hotel) we walked directly towards the bar, spoke with a nice lad and told him we were there for dinner and drinks. He pointed to the building behind and to the right of us and said, if you are here for food, please go in that building, if you are here to drink, please follow me onto the bar and we will be happy to serve you. We decided to try the bar first, it was a great atmosphere, we had a couple of drinks, were feeling good, and then decided to go to get some food. Unfortunately the food was not exactly up to par, but after eating we decided to go back to the bar for some additional liquid refreshment. All being said... the bar experience far exceeded the restaurant experience and we ended up staying for several hours, with a bar tab to match. We staggered back to the hotel, and I swear not one minute passed before we passed out, satisfied, and elated at the experience. The next t day we loaded the truck in less than 2 hours, brought our friend back to the hotel for the night with a hope of leaving for Ft Pierce EARLY in the morning. My girl and I went BACK to previously stated bar while our friend rested, once again spent too much and staggered back to the hotel once again, however prior to walking back ordered a pizza Tobe delivered to us at the hotel. We all stayed up and watched some stand up and laughed our asses off. In the middle of the night, my girl and our friend decided to have a quote battle based on the shows we had watched. We did not get much sleep because they had a quote battle. (I swear, I was the only adult in the room),. This adventure has a lot to share, so for tonight I will not cover what happened... I'll save that for another day. Good Night