A concoction of Sentiments on Hive Blog

in #ctp3 years ago

Hello every one,

I am writing about my mixture of feelings on Hive blog after watching replies on my different posts.

Being a new on posting some thing on block chain, i am still in learning stage. I started just to post a article as in very causal way, just to take material from different sites and just arrange information, try to make an article and just posted.

Today after reading replies on my different posts, i feel happy and convince myself that this platform is very good to learn and to have good discussion with the good minded persons from all over the world.
I really wants to thanks following persons so far who give me replies,
@celi130, @dmhafiz, @rcaine, @amirtheawesome1, @successchar, @bonnie30, @ironshield, @fiberfrau, etc.
I still need you help to know how to use hive blog properly, how to increase Hive power, what are the benefits of increasing power, and how to use power too.

I also have a constant message from @hivewatchers about the potential plagiarism. I will try from now onwards not to just copy paste but give my personal views.

Thanks and Regards.


Will you PLEASE stop plagiarizing my content! This is at least the second time you have done this and honestly, I'm fed up seeing you piggyback on EVERYONE else's content. With your random links to sometimes even university level articles. GO AND MAKE AN EFFORT!




You have been reported to the Listnerds team @blainjones @jongolson @elianaicgomes this guy keeps piggybacking on other people's content can you please make sure plagiarism doesn't get rewarded?

Also tagging @hivewatchers as I've seen plenty of his content here being plagiarized just by clicking the emails on Listnerds.

Your kind of people have NO idea how much time the real content creators are spending on producing this content. We aren't handed these rewards for free you know, you should be ashamed of yourself! Get to work and earn your own stripes!

Thanks@thisismylife, for your reply to correct me.
i will try in future to follow your footstep being a good article writer.
i did not mind your reply and also your mail which you did in listnerds against me. As i wrote in above i find very good persons on this platform so i am taking you as good too.
i dont care about richlist which you mentioned in your mail i can transfer funds to you.
So you please in future dont mentioned my id in any negative post.
Thanks for you reply againe.

Fuck off cunt. Dont steal shit

That kind of sums op what I was thinking, thanks for not making me say it :)

Haha, you are welcome buddy :D

We are now 12 days past the moment when you told me you would try to be a good article writer. I was honestly very happy to read that there was possible hope because I also mentioned that in the end, it's much better if people try to improve bad behavior so Listnerds can be better!

I was very disappointed to see that right after this comment, a lot of downvotes started to appear on my emails, which for your info, didn't happen until this moment. It was immediately crystal clear that you and your circle of people are behind that. To retaliate we have collectively started downvoting all your accounts.

Some of my team members want to keep doing this to make a statement, while I will follow the proposal of another team member, to propose to let the other group be and stop downvoting on each other. I won't even downvote plagiarized content anymore, but instead, refrain from voting it from now on.

My full team has agreed to follow this and you will notice that none of your accounts will receive as many downvotes anymore from today. If they receive a few, those aren't from my team. I ask you to do the same. This is my way to offer you the friendly approach because I'm quite sure you guys also have better things to do than to spend your time downvoting others just because you want to.

I propose instead spending your energy on becoming better, checking out my guides, reading them, and learning from them instead of downvoting them.
I'm very sure that you will be able to find support on Listnerds from outsiders making your days a lot easier as well! Nobody enjoys hopping from one account to the other, why not enjoy the sun and family instead and then write about that so we can read what's actually keeping you busy?

Anyone can share something and add value to the platform, even if you're not the best writer yourself.

I wish you the best and I hope that you will focus on the positive from now on, our team will!

Thank for your concern.
After your this reply i stop myself you down-voted you, but what i am seeing that down-voted on my mail has increased, i think if you stopped but your team did not stopped to down-voted me.
i am receiving now double down-voted after your massage.

I'm 100% sure it's not my team! We have agreed to this, even though some didn't agree with this approach at first. Have you seen this video from the Listnerds team? They are actually asking people to downvote content they don't agree with. Your increased downvotes may be because of this. I bet if you try to figure out what content doesn't get downvoted, and share something people enjoy reading but (very important) add your own thoughts to the email when sharing, you will see that this helps your emails to get verified. It doesn't even have to be complicated content, add your thoughts, your own words and you're already improving!

Again, we aren't downvoting you anymore as we are hoping you take this opportunity to improve and start being a better content creator. That way, we all benefit from your journey as we may read something valuable! We are very excited to see people improve their content and I'd invite you to read some of my guides you can use these as a reference for when you don't know how something works. Hopefully this helps.

Ok i will not down vote you anymore.
Be happy always.

how much i am getting down vote you can see

Dude, most of your mail downvotes are in double digits and we have stopped downvoting since the 3rd of April. Your problem isn't us. Luckily, there's a way to fix that.

A) Go to Hivewatchers' discord and see how you could appeal

B) They will ask you to write an apology post, do that, and include a part dedicated to Listnerds.

C) Start posting your own original content. Even if it's walking around and taking pictures of your street. Even with broken English, talk about simple things and download Grammarly to help you write. Just small posts to start with.

If you do that, I promise that you have my support. We're not the ones who started this, and we were the first to stop it.

You need to fix things with the entire Listnerds community. Feel free to contact me on discord. My username is AmirTheAwesome1#5402, and I will help you further there.

Thanks, but if you see the number of downvotes you have on your emails, our team doesn't even have that many active members. This couldn't have been from us anyway. As I said, it's not too late to improve your emails and share something valuable instead of a random link online. @amirtheawesome1 offered you some great tips I see, so try to see if you can take it from there. It's not like you're banned from Listnerds or anything, you are a member and you can actually learn and be better so that you start seeing more upvotes..

Good luck!

take things from other websites and pasting it as is into your own article with you claiming to be the author this is the very definition of plagiarism. It has nothing to do with being new on Hive. By your own admission @hivewatchers has warned you repeatedly that you are plagiarizing other peoples work for your own gain. This is the quickest way to get downvoted.

I will try from now onwards not to just copy paste but give my personal views.
Thanks and Regards.

Trying is not good enough! This is just ethics. Thou shall not steal, didn't your parents teach you that?

You are more than welcome for the comment. ListNerds is about sharing, helping others and giving back. It is a great community as you are learning.