In case you cannot believe surfing Click Voyager makes any sense...
...look above!!! I finally got my 3 months Gold upgrade with Click Voyager!!!
Come on and get yours HERE...
Why does that make that much sense at all?
- Free Referrals
- 15,000 Monthly Credits and (most important) you get
- 20 free Splash Pages
Don't forget: CV has the very best Splash Page Maker (at least for Newbies)
Congratulations! I am a member of CV but haven't surfed there in a very long time. Might have to check it out again.
I 'surf CV' only to KEEP upgraded @ silver @ least as I LUV the SplashPage maker...
Getting Gold was more like an accident (sort of).
I ONLY use the (IMHO useless) CV Credits to feed the Harvest Traffic Coop by K.S Marketing (Klara Schmidtz) with her brilliant TE Hungry For Hits to turn the Trash Traffic into Diamonds with next to zero double Views on any Link.
Rest assured I detect TRASH as I have a Tracker on next to any URL I promote!
!ENGAGE 10You got it all worked out don't you, @matthiasklein! Great job! Enjoy your day. 😀
Made in Canva