(well..my hair is not short anymore like the avatar but Facebook killed this avatar type so I'll stick with the ones I have lol)
In this new era of social media and people with smaller attention spans, it is pretty easy to forget some people after a while of "silence"...
So..Hi! I'm Eliana! lol
I used to create a lot "back in the day"..especially during lockdown when I had all the time in the world and was crazy enough to create up to 4 blog posts a day (don't be crazy kids...sometimes quality over quantity is better!)! I even started to create videos which improved my confidence!
Thanks to that, as well as helping others and working on other projects, I became acknowledged by "my boys" @jongolson and @blainjones and became part of the team Affiliatech or more well-known CTP!
Today, it's still weird to say that I'm their business partner lol
Anyway...back to the "silence" part!
For the past few months, I've been struggling with many things, from work fatigue as a massage therapist in my full-time day job to being overwhelmed with some online stuff and even mental health issues. Jeez, mental health issues sound too severe but anxiety can be a pain sometimes lol I was really kind of in a fight with myself for a while as some voices in my head were constantly bullying me...
I wanted to be around and online and do something, I was known as a "European on Eastern time" and I wanted to keep that way as much as I could, but at the same time I think sleeping just for 4/5 hours a night for years would eventually "kill" me lol
So I've been practising self-care, sleeping more, meditating, exercising more (I've been guided by a nutritionist since May last year and I lost 25kg so far which has been also helping with my mental status fortunately) and paying more attention to the family. I confess that my guilty pleasure and to keep creating videos, I've been a lot on Instagram lol With this and many other excuses, I sacrificed and slacked a lot in creating content on Hive.
I always tried to come back, #threads helped to be around-ish (thank you #zealy!) but I even stopped doing that...
But one thing is certain, I always tried to come back! I never quit! Because Hive helped me grow so much in the past few years I believe and care too much in this community!
So here I am, once again, with my mind more stable, to see if I can write in a more consistent way...
I'll be starting with getting back to @actifit reports and see how it goes...
I still have a book review to finish as well, jeez! As many other things I put on hold...but baby steps!
For someone who still remembers me, if there's something you would like me to talk about, please comment below!
See you next time!

Lack of sleep catches up with everyone! Some of us need a little more or less - but you have to get enough.
Has your team considered adding some new utility or functions to the CTP projects or are they going to remain as is for a while?
Usually I'm ok with 5 hours of sleep but summer time was very busy at the spa so lots of physical work..not to mention some stress overall lol
As for CTP, with our developer absent for a while it's quite difficult for us to develop ideas so we will stay as we are for now..
Credit: pepetoken
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I've lost three days already.
Credit: gillianpearce
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Bom dia, e bem-vinda Eliana!!!
Agora com cabelo mais longo, mas de certeza mais determinada. Bem sei o que são as questões de saúde mental que falas. Não há nada de mal em o dizer. Se não temos receio de dizer a quem nos rodeia que nos dói a barriga, ou que estamos com uma enxaqueca, qual será a razão para que consistentemente ainda seja um assunto tabu, dizermos que nos sentimos tristes, ou muito mais que isso.
Apesar de não te conhecer pessoalmente, sabes que existe uma comunidade que se interessa pelo que escreves, por isso é muito bom que estejas de regresso!
Se fosse a Eliana de à uns 6 anos atrás talvez nunca ninguém iria saber o que passei ou o que passo a nível mental pois sou daquelas que não quer incomodar ninguém ou que acha que os outros vão julgar ou desvalorizar.
Hoje em dia falo mais...graças não só a Hive mas a mim por ter crescido um pouco. Ainda há trabalho a fazer mas sinto que estou muito melhor, até já pensei em fazer um vídeo sobre ao que eu gosto de chamar de "meus demonios" lol
Falar sobre saúde mental ainda é tabu mas um acto de bravura daqueles que sofrem e tem coragem de partilhar, e faz tão bem..
Obrigada pela tuas palavras, é bom saber que alguém se lembra de mim 😋
I am glad to hear your focused on your well being and your family. These two are priceless.
For sure! I've been neglecting a bit for far too long!
And I have to be better not only for myself but for my family!
Happy mother/wife, happy life 😋
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