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RE: My First Pokemon Post

in #ctp3 years ago

And yu gi oh cards but I swear, mothers will never understand card values ;;-;;
I feel bad for your first holo cards though cuz those would've been worth thousands by now


tens of thousands, if not hundreds! I had the promo holo mew they only gave out at the movie, first edition charizards... the works. lol. So you ARE a nerd! :)


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THE MEW!!!!!!!!
I WANTED THAT!!! I Begged my mom to let me see the movie but she didn't like Pokémon so nobody could go with me 😭😭😭
And seriously??? First eds??? The ones I saw when I collected were from 3rd and 4th eds na ;;-;; I couldn't get my hands on the 1st cuz they were already so pricey when I was a kid ;;-;! So I just collected the Nintendo games and remakes

I still have a first edition Doduo, but not anywhere near mint condition. It's in my pictures above, as well as some other Base set stuff like some trainer cards

I saw the trainer cards! I didn't notice the doduo though OnO

I just saw that I actually didn't post it lol 😅 my mistake
I thought this one was in the middle section, but see now I didn't actually include all the pictures haha they are in my gallery though, heres the OGs I've managed to get a hold of... just the doduo, and the middle row, the others are much newer

Can I have 🤣🥺🥺
Ack if you sell it on toycon or comicon 😭 who knows how much you'd get for it with all them nerds

XD your reaction was great lol. I don't know, that would be cool if I got a nice offer on it but I was under the impression it wasn't actually worth that much, since it's not graded and it's considered "used" the website has it listed for like $5! I earn more in vouchers everyday lol. I was still just as pumped as you were though when I got to add it to the book

!lolz since I actually l-o-l'ed haha