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RE: How long is it going to be before Poloniex accepts IOTA?

Hi Michelle. Sorry to hear you are having problems with your IOTA wallet.
Some questions first: You said "password" did you mean "seed" (which works as a password and should be many many letters long- I think it is 81 letters long and will have a number 9 in there somewhere )

Secondly - how did you store it? - do you type it in or copy and paste it?

Just to reassure you - if you have the "old seed password" then your IOTA are still there on the tangle and not lost. Only if you lose your "seed password" are then lost.
OK get back to me ASAP with that info and then we can go from there.


Hi Arthur, Thanks for your reply and help, most appreciated.
Yes I mean the seed, it is 81 letters long with a 9.
I was copying and pasting but decided to try and type it in after you asked.
This is what I get - it just whirrs (little cog going round and round) and doesn't log in.
I was assuming that if I had my seed then my coins were safe, so I'm not in major panic, but great to hear that from you and so pleased to have your help! :)

Update - it's finally let me in, but I have a zero balance, so I guess it's step 2 on that article now!

Next Update. I clicked the wrong button and got logged out and so managed to log in and my balance is showing now!! All very weird, but pleased it's all there!
So I assume I can carry on as normal with the same seed etc?

Thanks again for your support.

So glad to hear everything is well now Michelle - great news.
These little problems are just because IOTA is so new- I mean it is the best crypto technology in the world right now (by far)

  • I read that there are only about 5 people in the world who actually understand the math behind the tangle ha ha ha - so that means it is early days. It was made made using quantum resistant technology, that means it CANNOT be hacked - this is the very reason why I am in favour of it.
    We, who use IOTA, are are all pioneers.
    The thing is, the more that sign up to the Tangle the better the system becomes. I becomes more resilient to attacks and it runs faster. This is the very opposite to Bitcoin and it is why it is inevitable that IOTA will win out in the end.
    Best wishes for the weekend glad things turned out well : )

Thanks Arthur, me too! :)

It's a bit freaky with new technology, especially when you don't understand the jargon! I get that there will be teething problems with new technology and sounds like this was because of an error or potential hack, so great that they are taking the action to keep everyone's funds safe.

I can see and feel that Tangle will be a huge success and I'm so pleased to have coins so early on, so big thanks for that!

It's up to $0.86 now, so onwards and upwards! Have a great weekend too! :)