OK, I lied, the end isn't "nigh", it's not even "nigh-ish", but time is most definitely running out.
Running out on what?
Running out on MOGUL.
What the $&#@ is MOGUL you ask?
OK, I'll tell you.
It's the quintessential platform to take you (yes YOU) from being someone who "thinks" they're a game master, to one who IS a game master.
Game masters of the future will be calling this the "big bang" of game mastery.
REAL. Don't think it's not. Just ask Stan.And it's all tied in with the Billion dollar challenge that @stan mentioned last week. This is
Yep, that's a fact. MOGUL is going to be a player in that challenge and you too could be part of it...and become a shit hot game master in the process.
So enough waffling. Here it is, go here and get on this list.
MOGUL launches on July 4 so there's not much time to join the party.
Go here to join the MOGUL list.
Remember, it launches July 4 (that's only 8 days) so don't miss out.
Aaron "Game Master" Parker
P.S. You'll see Stan in the video too.