The source for this post was taken from Electroneum
HiTBTC Announces Electroneum Listing
HiTBTC has announced that in the coming weeks it will begin listing the mobile-friendly cryptocurrency Electroneum.
This is huge news for the fast-rising coin, which aims to become the first cryptocurrency to achieve real-world mass adoption.
Since launching at the end of 2017 Electroneum has sent shockwaves through the cryptocurrency world by quickly gaining 700,000 new accounts, reaching a c. $700m market cap and giving its 120,000 initial investors up to 1400% returns.
The coin now has over 400,000 SMS confirmed users and $375m of ETN has been traded despite only listing on one exchange until now.
The Electroneum strategy is markedly different from other cryptocurrencies. The team behind it have developed a unique mobile mining app, which will allow the coin to become accessible to people all over the world.
As long as they have a smartphone, users in even the poorest countries can earn ETN by running the app in the background. This airdrop of coins will then be acceptable as payment for their phone data and more.
Furthermore, the app will feature an easy PayPal-style payment gateway for users to accept and send Electroneum payments at the touch of a button.
ETN already has partnerships agreed with multinational telecoms corporations in the developing world to make all this a reality, and more are expected in the coming weeks.
With this strategy Electroneum plan to make cryptocurrency available, tradable and spendable for all.
For investors, these developments are made all the more exciting by Electroneum’s listing on HitBITC, where they will have full control over their investment.
We’re delighted to announce we will be listed on HiTBTC
said Electroneum founder Richard Ells.
Our investors and users have inspired us with their belief in the Electroneum project and we’re excited to be able to reward their patience.
HitBTC is the perfect exchange for us because the team behind it mirror our passion for pushing cryptocurrency to the next level.
Integration is underway now, and it’s expected that Electroneum will be listed in the next few weeks.
So guys, hold on to your Electroneum coins, for their value is surely going to increase.
Please look at Electroneum Alexa rank, currently at 4,279 and getting better and better.
Read about the latest developments from Electroneum blog:
I'm giving 1,000 electroneum away for some upvote and resteem action! Check out my post for details!
That is a cool idea. May I try too to get them too :-)
Thank you for sharing this valuable info. I packed plenty of it so we'll see what happens 🙂
We will rock!! The miner testing is going well, the cooperation with mobile companies is expanding, all is well.
Thank you for sharing. I haven't looked much into ETN, but it's now on my ToDo list. For now I am setting a cautious buy-in around 800 satoshi. Although I have a feeling this train has left the station already.
Nope, it will leave when the mobile miner gets released, you are still OK. 800 Satoshi... I wish you luck but... LOL
I know I know. But I find comfort in the knowledge that I might miss out on an upwards surge. It's something I had to learn the hard way. FOMO trading just leads to bad decision making ..
I missed you, where are you??@capeflow, gosh, I just checked your feed again, and your last post was 10 days ago...
@cryptoclick I've been attending a 10-day blockchain hackathon, so had no time to steem. Getting back into it again :)
10-day blockchain hackathon!! Super!!
Good to have you back though :-)
Why can you still not use the mobile miner...
Soon Sean, some especially signed for it members are testing the mobile miner now. It shouldn't be long and when it opens, it will be just perfect ;-) They are just super careful now, and you know, there are a lot of members who will jump on it right away, so it has to be well stress tested...
@bitcoinflood, please read this:
So you see, we do have 2 great news from them today!!
There is a high chance chance that there are similarities present here:
This is an early BETA version. If you cited this source, then ignore this message! Reply if you feel this is an error.The @OriginalWorks bot has upvoted and checked this post!
@@@OriginalWorks, I cited the source, Eletroneum News Telegram, the one you have is not a source but a copycat :-)
This post has received a 37.74 % upvote, thanks to: @cryptoclick.
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Nice, thx :-)
I dont have any electroneum yet, after reading your article I think I will pick some up. Is this a long term hold for you? Great information, thank you for sharing!
Nope, not really, now it is somewhere between long and short :-)
I am hodling at least till the full release of the mobile miner.
ETN is going to another exchange which is great. But im waiting for more popular exchanges like binance,poloniec or bitrex. I hodl my etn I hope you too guys.
It will happen after the mobile app is up and running.
Nice post Miss. Good job keep up the good work.
Thank you :-)
Thanks for this information ! I'm struggling to get Electroneum right now. I'm soon gonna make a post about Electroneum, I don't remember why I listed it as something very promising, but you'll see in my post ! I know it is for sure and it will keep on growing, few people know about it but it's slowly making its way :D
I am not sure if few people know about it, look at its Alexa, I think ETN is quite famous.
Their ICO was quite hyped, they were giving 5% tokens and a bonus for using the affiliate code.
Yes but at the time I discovered it it was not so famous, don't know how it evolved since then but its price didn't change a lot, I still trust it; you know if it's already possible to trade SBD for ETN on some site ? I would prefer doing this but every single site seems to be greedy for either bitcoin or ethereum
Look, this came just now at Electroneum Telegram:
Jay Jay 🔥 •Core, [28.01.18 23:21]
Following our concerns about misinformation being pushed out across many chat rooms, it clearly seems that we are now being targeted for a forced price reduction.
We understand that the updates we posted on Sunday evening have made a more marked impact than we expected. The travesty is that growing unrest is largely being driven by a number of people who missed our ICO and now, seeing the popularity of ETN, want to buy in cheap, without any of the true belief we all have, and certainly no sense of ethical practise, they only see the potential for our coin to make themselves a quick buck. This destructive transaction strategy is aimed at driving the ETN price down, so they can buy in cheap and then flip their strategy to push a sharp rise, allowing them to selfishly play the margins to their own benefit.
These miscreants tend to spread fear, uncertainty or doubt (FUD), which prompts others to lose faith and prematurely sell coins at low prices.
They are attempting to discredit our statements, publishing misrepresented quotes and questioning our good faith and solid protocols. Examples of these completely fabricated claims include:
»Electroneum is an MLM/Ponzi Scheme - NOT TRUE!!
»Electroneum will never be listed on major exchanges - NOT TRUE!!
»The Electroneum team is keeping ETN on one exchange on purpose to manipulate the price - NOT TRUE!!
These accusations, and any other statements casting doubt on our progress and pipeline, are all COMPLETELY UNFOUNDED. They are LIES BEING SPREAD TO DAMAGE OUR STATUS and open the opportunity for deceitful individuals to use us.
All the info we share with you is absolutely 100% genuine, and we hope that, by making you aware of what is going on, you will manage to avoid any of the FUD, and that you'll maintain your belief and support for our vision.
Well no wonder it's gone down, look at that haha :D
That's mainly why I'm gonna buy it right now, but really, as for what they just posted, I understand their behavior, their concern, I would be the 1st person who would be pissed off if I worked there, but you have to accept this is unfortunately part of the game as well, I've seen worse that that, but we can't complain cause this comes from the main asset of this new world which is the fact there are no regulations. You just have to know which information is true or false (Bitconnect Ponzi schemes for example were right) and always try to be a few miles ahead of that type of news, or even ahead of the whole news.
I don't think there can be regulation against that kind of thing cause it's just too complicated to implement. As for me, I've always believed in them, I just lacked information to know where to trade it with SBD. If this is not possible I'm gonna do it with something else like ETH or Bitcoin. Thanks for these news anyway.
You know, if the daily volume is growing $6,981,940 USD, but the price is going down, there are usually some pump and dump groups...
ETN will be fine. Glad my article proved useful to you and I will chat more with you soon :-)
yes pump and dump is something very close to Ponzi, people holding and quitting all of a sudden just for fuck sake, really annoying