ORS ICO Ratings by CryptoStandard

A CryptoStandard Score of 6.0 and a Stable outlook are assigned to ORS ICO (ICO starts on 10 May 2018)

ORS Group is developing an ORS Platform for people to sell and purchase both proprietary and third party A.I. algorithms and Hypersmart Contracts. The idea of the platform is simple, yet, our team believes the current business model has not taken full advantage of the blockchain technology. On its competitiveness, the market is pretty new, but our team believes the company needs to do a better job in explaining how superior Hypersmart Contracts are to smart contracts, in order to induce mass usage of Hypersmart Contracts.


ORS is a platform providing Hypersmart Contracts - smart contracts combined with A.I. - to solve complex efficiency and optimization problems, and release instant crypto payments. Hypersmart contracts aim to solve the issue of trustless participants not sharing information and payments in the most efficient way.

The analysis is based on our rigorous CryptoStandard Score model which is supported by over 80 parameters. The distribution of the score and the explanation are shown below:


ORS ICO CryptoStandard score distribution

The idea to address the shortcomings of smart contracts and help companies improve efficiency is brilliant, but it may not be able to scale robustly as it may be more difficult for small companies to adopt the A.I. algorithms, resulting in a narrower market focus. Moreover, our team does not see how the blockchain technology is necessary in the marketplace.

The market ORS is entering is not one with many competitors, with only Algorthmia being the most notable market player currently, which increases their competitiveness. It also has competitive advantages as an existing company with a large research and development team and an established customer base to facilitate early adoption.

Most details of the ICO have beenpublished, but an important component - the roadmap, is not presented clearly, especially how it will grow the business after the ICO. Our team also believes it would be a plus if the company can show the plan to have its token listed on exchanges.

The team is a diverse and solid one with business, startup, and blockchain experience. ORS Group is an established company providing solutions to companies across different sectors, and the chairman of the Group is also on the team. Some of the team members have founded some startups or have blockchain-related work experience. These all boost our confidence in the team’s ability to carry out the project.

A Telegram group is available as a direct communication channel. Yet, the community is relatively small as shown by the number of likes and followers on Facebook and Twitter, as well as the number of participants in the Telegram group. In addition, there were a lot of questions from investors after the release of Reservation Contracts, which may be due to a lack of effective communication of the company.

ORS has put in considerable efforts in marketing, highlighted by its founders having attended interviews and being covered by Bitcoin Chaser. The founding team also responds quickly to questions from investors in depth. However, given the small number of followers, ORS should focus on converting the awareness into a bigger community.

The documents required for investors to understand the business before they invest are all present, including the potential use cases of Hypersmart Contracts. However, a detailed roadmap is lacking in the white paper.

The company has not provided any past or projected financials regarding the project.

Founders are reachable and responsive to messages, but our team believes the reliability of the project would be improved if the company can provide a prototype as soon as possible, instead of solely focusing on research and development.

The company has not provided investors with a detailed execution plan, only informing investors whenever they have reached a milestone. This creates hurdles between the company and potential investors who are not well informed of the company’s current development. In addition, the demand for Hypersmart Contracts remains in doubt because of the ambiguous differences between Hypersmart Contracts and the existing smart contracts.

See their profile: https://cryptostandard.io/ico/ors-ico/


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