CRYPTO CURRENCY........What You Need To Know By: Checkmate2017 ISSUE:#00001

in #cryptos7 years ago

CRYPTO CURRENCY........What You Need To Know ISSUE:#00001
The future of the world is riding on a bet. That bet, is that the populations of the world will be tricked into going for the only out the governing forces have given them,....CRYPTO CURRENCIES. Yes, throughout the world, economies are failing and will soon face the only choice, submit and comply to crypto currency or face utter annihilation. This is YOUR only choice. The game has been rigged for a Very, Very long time. Control the money, control the food, control the land and what you get, is power over all, everyone is a slave. Everything else is just details.

 You have been tricked into believing worthless paper is valuable. Now you are being tricked into believing IMAGINARY numbers are REAL and valuable. Think about it. Can you say, if you wanted to, I don't feel like paying these Insurance Fees, I don't feel like paying these multiple various taxes, I don't feel like registering multiple possessions because I don't really own any of them, I don't want to be watched every second of the day and have constant metadata compiled in a little old folder to be used and perverted against me at some future unknown date, and there is a lot more, a lot worse that you have NO idea about. But you will eventually, the hard way.
                         ON TO the MEAT & POTATOES

You have been lied to, again. The reason currencies are crumbling is because they designed them to do this. Do you really think for 1 second, the smartest and wealthiest entities in the world have no frigging clue what they are doing? Wake the hell up.
Crypto currencies can be tracked by governing entities, ARE being tracked, ARE being manipulated, and ARE the next evolution of completely controlling you. If the governing entities can force you to pay taxes, with NO say as to how they are spent, due to "Privacy Laws", "Classified Classifications", "Zero Disclosure Policies", etc. etc. And they can confiscate what they want, when they want to, be it land, money, vehicles, animals, and especially People, how do you logically and reasonably believe for 1 Second, cryptos are your key to freedom...lmao. I do not want to digress into all the things you don't know, let's stay with Cryptos and what you Need to know.
Go onto YouTube and spend the day watching 6 month old, or older videos about the greatness of crypto currencies. What They Say:

  1. Cant be tracked
  2. Cant be regulated
  3. Offers complete Anonymity
  4. Monetary Freedom
  5. Not Able To Be MANIPULATED
  6. Safe
  7. Means for Universal Exchange

--------------------#1 THROUGH #6-----------------------LIES, ALL LIES
LOGIC: ANYTHING on a computer, USED by a computer, CAN & IS tracked. PERIOD.


According to the youtube video, July 26,2017, (ONE OF THE LARGEST PUSHERS of CRYPTO CURRENCIES) "Realist News- SEC cracks down on certain Initial coin offerings (Good Thing IMO)" the SEC has officially issued a statement saying that Crypto Currencies ARE NOW SUBJECT TO ALL SEC SECURITIES LAWS.

There it is.

What does this mean? People (YOU) have taken the bait, been completely scammed- to the point that you have bought into the cryptos currencies SCAM, and now are CAUGHT in the trap. Thats it. Period. What they are not telling you other than in hints throughout this particularly disturbing video, and the SEC statement, is that,



WATCH the video, read the SEC Tuesday Statement, for heavens sake, WTFU. Go back, watch previous videos, and THINK, think hard as your future, and your childrens future depends on it.
Slavery comes in many forms....but this, this is the endgame.
Ask yourself," If I was a governing entity, had unlimited access to endless amounts of paper currency, and could "buy" endless amounts of crypto currency,........what would I do?" Its not hard people.

                                         IN CONCLUSION:

Crypto currencies will destroy what little chance you have, of any freedom. Period.
Your currency will be under the complete control of governing entities. They will take what they want, when they want, and how they want, at a much higher degree of efficiency then ever in the history of man. And THERE IS NOT A DAMN THING YOU CAN/WILL BE ABLE TO DO ABOUT IT.

Garnished wages? Taxes? Fees? Code Violations? Social Programs? "SAFETY PROGRAMS"? Energy Fees? Registration Fees? Mandatory Insurance Fees? Criminal Fees? Education Fees? Green Fees? FEES FEES FEES, TAXES TAXES TAXES, Town violations, City Violations, State violations, Federal Violations, Code Violations, Thought Violations, Opinion Violations, Speech Violations, etc, etc

No longer a problem, Freeze the account, and confiscate the crypto currency.

That is your future. That is Reality.

Want to EAT? better comply or we freeze your account
Want to have a opinion? Better not or there will be a "GLITCH" with your account
Need MEDICAL CARE for your child? Have you been compliant? Lets freeze your account
OWE us MONEY? Our system says you do....OOPPS some how you lost some currency.
YOU better WAKE UP and DITCH this Crypto junk they are dishing you, or not.
I wish everyone and all reading this the best, I truly do. I hope you do some serious thinking and research of your own. Your freedom, my freedom, and our childrens, DEPENDS ON IT. You all are great, and thank you for the thumbs up and support!

              On a side note & A side quote for the day:

You can always APPLY for a PERMIT to PROTEST in a "FREE SPEECH ZONE" and see how well that works out for you. (Just make sure you do not carry a personal defense weapon to protect yourself from the beatings you will soon receive from various undercover entities on your way to jail)

