Digitize: get cryptocurrency

in #cryptomonitor7 years ago


In national financial aspects, the money turnover causes extra expenses for all members. The legislature must expand the level of banknotes and coins security, and business associations are obliged to pay for encashment and introduce hardware to check the banknotes realness. The customary clients experience the ill effects of money burglaries and the thickness and largeness of their wallets. The advanced time has just come, yet individuals don't utilize them for purchasing nourishment or something unique. Wallets and trades are implied for experienced clients, however not for common ones.

Picture 1. The Digitize application on the cell phone screen: client login window, the rundown of accessible cryptographic forms of money and tokens

Is it conceivable to utilize innovative digital currencies in grocery stores? Will the blockchain make your wallet lighter discharging it from coins?

What is Digitize?

The Digitize stage is an apparatus implied for transformation of little measures of trade into cryptographic forms of money out a single tick. The engineers offer the application for cell phones, which examines receipts from general stores and exchange crypto coins to client's records as a change.

In this video, you can survey the speed of the application work:

The fundamental thought of the undertaking is to incorporate digital currency into regular day to day existences surprisingly, adolescents, and mothers, seniors, and representatives, who consistently go to the shop. The versatile application identifies QR-codes, is introduced in two or three ticks and conveys benefit both to the clients and the exchanging systems proprietors. Digitize let you:

• Promote products and speak with customers. Decentralized market in light of blockchain permits publicizing, masterminding prize draws and deals, advancing the organization site and breaking down client's input.

• Create steadfastness programs. The Digitize bound together administration showcase permits making coordinated efforts with different brands, drawing in rush hour gridlock through internet advertising and get 2% of every exchange.

• Get rewards for the stage advancing and obtaining. Normal clients download Digitize on their cell phone, pass the KYC methodology and begin gathering their adjustment in tokens. The creation and release of Digitize utilization directions, shops surveys, and support in steadfastness programs bring clients rewards. It's a sort of an outstanding reliability card, however rather than the markdown, you get some crypto coins.

For instance, the leader of the family goes to the hypermarket "Approve" and spends there 4850 rubles. He pays 5 000 rubles, and whatever is left of the cash is exchanged to his Digitize account. The rest 150 rubles he could spend on Ethereum buy for the diversion at a stock trade or change over them into fiat cash.

How does Digitize function?

The application in light of the brilliant contracts framework on the blockchain innovation, which let direct straightforward, followed and irreversible exchanges. Each store proprietor influences novel states of the dependability to program, and the client picks fascinating offers. In correlation with standard moneybox programs, Digitize let change over tokens into fiat and Ethereum, associating the cryptographic money world with the money one.

Picture 2. Digitize capacities: making installments, cryptographic forms of money trade, coins stockpiling, and wage securing!

What is it provide for a client?

• The improvement of the installment methodology. The reserve's exchange is moment, unknown, and straightforward in the blockchain innovation. Rewards and cash prizes are exchanged to the Digitize account quickly after installment.

• A snappy and safe cryptographic money trade. It's conceivable to purchase Ethereum for Digitize tokens without moving far from the money work area (in the strict feeling of this expression). The basic interface and steadiness of the application ensure the accommodation of utilization.

• Flexible faithfulness programs for customers. The Digitize application for shop proprietors let them make rebates and lotteries internet, following mindfully the request changes.

• Simplified wallet for tokens stockpiling. A client passes the KYC method once, and afterward it will be sufficient to type the secret key to get the entrance to tokens.

The Digitize designers deal with all members stores security, that is the reason on the official site instructive materials are distributed, and the review of a working model is available on the YouTube channel. The states of tokens utilization you can see on the site digitizecoin.eth.

For whom is Digitize?

The task was produced to interface clients and retail organizes proprietors interests, the makers are intending to begin the Digitize usage from the Asia-Pacific locale. Substantial creating markets will adjust the stage to the premiums of the three classifications of clients.

• By utilizing Digitize retailers will have the capacity to diminish cash saves in a money enlist, making installments, advertising organizations execution. The adaptable and secure stage let adjust faithfulness projects to solid customers' needs.

• Customers will have the capacity to influence unknown installments, to change over gathered fiat cash into the coveted digital money. No compelling reason to keep substantial pockets brimming with coins and banknotes any longer.

• Digitize designers will have the capacity to utilize the stage for pulling in new customers (people and associations).

Picture 3. The biological system Digitize working plan. Clients, merchants, and makers of the stage trade data and money related streams.

Designers arrangement incorporates KYC strategy (composing client's close to home information) to secure against corrupt clients. In the event that client's information are invalid, the tokens buy will scratch off and the record will be blocked. The PICOPS (Parity ICO Passport Service) method pieces wallets of those clients, who have no privilege to partake in the venture as indicated by the law. The rest members get declarations for utilization.

In what manner will Digitize grow further?

The task ICO are arranged 4 May 2018, the pre-deal began 6 April 2018. At the entire, 20 million ETH are intended to gather. The cost of 1 DTZ is equivalent to 0,0002 ETH. The base venture sum - 0,1 ETH. As per Whitepaper, made MVP is passing trying, and will be accessible for an extensive variety of clients soon.

The Digitize makers group are legal counselors, programming engineers, experts in the circle of information and advanced innovations security. Umer Aslam is an undertaking organizer, since 2012 he has been working in the IBM organization (a task facilitator, securities master).

Tokens left unsold amid the ICO, will be annihilated or shared among the rest members. Uplifting news for speculators – the tokens creation will be unthinkable after the finish of ICO, so the benefit cost will be continually developing. In the event that the base speculation sum isn't accomplished amid the ICO, all cash will come back to financial specialists instantly.


The Digitize stage is implied for decreasing the quantity of money installments. The application interface is adjusted to the slightest experienced clients. The Digitize screen looks like a versatile form of an online store, it let you trade and spend reserves, and furthermore contribute cryptographic money and fiat cash.

Why is the Digitize venture useful for financial specialists?

It's conceivable to contribute a little measure of cash (from 0,1 ETH).

The undertaking is planned to contact an extensive group of onlookers.

There is a MVP, open to diagram.

The fame of promoting research is developing, and the gathering criticism is fast and secure.

for more

Bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2907076.0

Facebook : http://facebook.com/DigitizeCoinICO

Twitter : https://t.co/Z5SPxa5NYc

My boutyhive : udda
