Did you know you can Donate bitcoin to Unicef for free to help children ?

I'm so excited to show you how you can do it just by mining on your pc

Unicef has launched a novel form of cashless fundraising by asking people to instead donate their computer’s processing power to mine cryptocurrency

The Hopepage which gives visitors the option of donating between 20 per cent and 80 per cent of their computing power to generate units of the bitcoin rival monero.

The cryptocurrency is automatically donated to Unicef Australia and is turned into real funds that reach children through life-saving supplies like safe water, therapeutic food and vaccines

Your web browser uses your computer’s processing power to solve cryptocurrency algorithms,” the crypto mining website explains. “The longer you stay on the page and the more processor power you donate, the more algorithms get solved, which earns cryptocurrency.

First you have to do is watching after click on the link ok ---> https://www.thehopepage.org/



2- You have to choose your POWER and What what you've donated and click CONFIRM


I hope you will donate and resteem my post to help other and don't forget to donate some crypto to other people in wold wide God love you.


I just want to say Thank YOU for voting me as your Witness. I'm honored.
Cheers for now,

So i hope now they will use all the fund for these ppl in situation not like red cross who stole fund from Haiti when the recent earthquake.

i hote that too

Me too i hope that!