I am into cryptokitties and I can admit it.
I got the first kitty as a gift and now I have a bunch of beautiful kitties. The latest one I named as the Pretty Kitty, as I think it is beautiful. I love cats in real life and most of the drawn cats too. At first I wanted to avoid cryptokitties as I didn't really like the art style of the kitties, but now I am a fan.
So I have got a feeling I need to give something back to the kitty community, as I got my kitty as a gift.
If anyone wants a cryptokitty from me, please leave a comment. If I find a comment which brings my heart any joy, I will give away a cryptokitty. If I'm joyful enough, I can give even 2 or 3 kitties! Most likely only 1 though, as I truly like my kitties.
Please, share they joy and resteem the post, leave a comment explaining why YOU want to be the future owner of a cryptokitty.
I would love to receive a Kitty too... we once saved a tiny kitty being trapped on a ledge of the wall because the mother abandoned her in Istanbul and it was a huge production with getting other people evolved, lowering down a bucket and trying to get the kitten to go into it. At the end we saved it and the kitten now lives in the office of the Archaeology Museum there. True story and I can proof it!!!
I saw the thing and I'm happy you saved it. You'll get at least an upvote for that :)
So when are you going to decide? I want to take care of the Cryptokitty :)
First one has been sent, in case you get the second one please send me your Metamask-address ;)
Pleaaaase .. I would take care of it .. I promise :)
Kitty sent!
OMG - Poop-stain has arrived. I'll take good care of him. Tank you so so much. Now I have to buy one so he has someone to play with.
Thanks to you .. a new kitten is born, meet blue cheese ... hope the name change went through :)
Oh how nice of you!
I too had to get used to the art style. The first time I saw a picture of them I thought they looked quite odd.
My GF is into rescuing real life kitties and I'd like her to give cryptokitties a try someday. Sadly I dont have the time to play it along with her due to work related activities.
Well real kitties are far better than cryptokitties :)
Tell her to keep up the good work though!
Yes they are :) They soft, snuggly and comforting.
I try to not encourage her to rescue them too much. The vet bills can rack up quite fast :(
Ive been looking for games she can play to keep her from being bored in her free time, but I dont want her to bankrupt us on cryptokitties :p
Actually I'm trying to give these to avoid going bankrupt myself.. ;)
Oh, I want one of your kitties! I can continue to play my game with a new kitty! Please play me game, I want to name my cat bread boy as CatBoy is already taken!
I.... I do not know how to react. :D
With a smile my friend.
These guys what some digital friends

Yes, especially now as the weird audio disappeared ;)
Want it back?
Oh god oh no.. wait, well why not? I don't know what it was but it was cool enough :)
I'm not really a super big fan of the art style either. I guess the green one is a little cute. And when I search for them on google images I find a few that are kinda cute. I can kinda see how someone would go crazy trying to get one they really loved by breeding them.
I personally am excited by what future creations people will come up with.
This is something I'm really glad about regarding the blockchain technology, as this can give very different viewpoints than the "drugs, guns, sex!!"-horror most media are actually seeing cryptocurrencies and blockchain as.
This is like babies with some people. All the others are ugly but your one is perfect.
Dude...I'd rather have a crypto gun.
"Mine's gold, with a spotted handle!" "Mine's purple, bitch!"
"I got an zebra AK47."
SteemGuns, where you can get different kinds of guns and breed them on Steemit blockchain?
I want another cryptokitty which I will name Apsu The Bread One.
What if the kitty can't eat any bread? :(
I will make special kitty bread!
Oh I accept the idea, first kitty is now sent to you!
As much as I would love to receive a cute krypto kitty, I know that there is no way for me to write this reply without keeping that bias at bay. I have been teetering on the edge of getting a krypto kitty (as the price for a lot are really high) but I definitely still think they are sweet and cute. Anyways my heart felt comment
I would love a cryptokitty because I love cats but I am allergic to them (and I don't really find the hairless ones to be cute) and even if these are nowhere near as good as real ones, at least they are kind of adorable. I would want to be the future owner of a cryptokitty so that I can own one and act as a rescue for a cat. Also as a college student I would be able to take care of the cat without having to go home as some nights I am at the library until 1am (local time) and with a cryptokitty I would be able to take it with me.... Who am I kidding, I wold also have the potential to earn etherium from it so its a positive in every direction but I truly cannot ignore a bias. So the truth is I find them cute and they have the potential to earn money making them more cute.
Some claim that siberian cats cause less allergy, but if you would get a siberian cat I would recommend visiting many times at a siberian cat breeder before getting one, if you happen to be unlucky enough to get reactions from a siberian cat.
However, I honestly can tell you that the chances of making money with cryptokitties is low. There are thousands of cats for sale and it's hard to be found even when competing with price.
Just advertise your kitties elsewhere, like if you advertised a kitty (for breeding) then I am certain some people might jump on board.
Nah, I'm not advertising them for breeding but to be gifted to people interested in the cryptokitties :) Like you might be. But the thing is, I don't want anyone to assume cryptokitties is a wonderful and easy way to earn money. It has the potential though, as you mentioned, but many make the mistake and approach it as a money making machine.
Well it is supposed to be the first blockchain game but the price to get into it can be anywhere from $50 to $1500 USD. Oh well, they are cute (especially the blue red and yellow one!)
Send me your metamask address to get a kitty!
metamask address: 0xaaBb31c5cEbCf7E912f6B619261048E1d3500566
I want one because I’m poor...
If you get one, you'll be even more poor after it!
Lol, I guess they can be addictive!
I am an alien coming from a far away land, we are researching the behaviours of humans and have heard of a obsessive hoarding of an artificial cat. It would be of utmost appreciation if you were to give us this kitty otherwise your precious earth will be destroyed. You can save your planet! Make the right choice!
Just saying this is my account if it adds any credibility (probably not)
Just saying these both are my accounts, if it adds any credibility (who wouldn't want to be azaan? Hmmh!)
The more I look at these kitties, the more I get confused! I can’t understand if the curved line under the nose and whiskers is it’s mouth or chin line!
Aaaaaaahhhhh!!!! I would LOVE a cryptokitty!! My cats heard about them and won't shut up until they get one!
Can you hear him say "PWEEEEEEEEEEASE?"
I can hear "MEOW". it's pretty much the same though :)
Awwa those are so cute! I just got my first one today, and they are awesome. I wrote a post about my first ones, and I am linking your post on a list of Cryptokitties information posts. I think eventually, these little kitties will become very valuable! Don't forget the feed them! Have fun!
I'm not as trusting that the kitties will be valuable.. unless you mean valuable as in loved <3 I do love the kitties!
A Kitty is a Kitty, Real or Crypto
Kitty love is Kitty Love, for a Real Kitty or a Virtual One
Albert Einstein once said "Everything you can imagine is real"
the reverse of which is... "Everything that is real is imaginary"
so by that Logic, a Crypto Kitty is a Real Kitty
and a Real Kitty is a Crypto Kitty :D
I have 4 Real ones right now !!!
I petted a Stray Cat and she gave birth to 3 Cute Little Kittens :)
Its so much Fun to Feed Them :)
here is my CryptoKitty Wallet Address
I have a few - but my target is a 100 of them :D
Oh my. I have to say, if you "petted" a stray cat and she gave birth due to it, I wouldn't really call it "petting" :D
Oh you have a grand goal of getting 100 kitties. I wish your dreams will succeed.
Correct, that is NOT called petting where I come from either, lol
Thank you :)
psh kitties.... The real question here is... how do they taste after you put them in the oven?.... those colored furs will make a great smokey taste that infuses the meat with kitty goodness.... be sure to open your windows though.................................
I dislike your joke, but I'm getting hungry so I'm kind of confused now :D
hahahahahaha..... welcome to the dark side my friend... it comes on slowly.....very.....slowly....
Hi Apsu, I just subscribed to have a cryptokitty and I am trying to figure out how it works! I love kitten and I think this game is so much fun to play :)
Can I also breed my cat with your cat and have a kitten family ^^ and cuddle all together? :)
Hi, congratulations and this is basically buying kitties, paying to breed kitties, and having a bunch of kitties which you pretend to be growing for sale but you love them too much to sell them. Explained briefly. :D
Meoooooooow Give me one kitty and I will make it breed it with your kittens and I can give it back to you the little one that will be a higher breed called "Sexy italian" :)