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RE: CryptoKitties are Collectible, Breedable, Adorable and ... TAXABLE!

in #cryptokitties7 years ago (edited)

I believe that even though this is an article for which you MIGHT receive compensation, you are still ok to post pictures of CryptoKitties. I think the Fair Use Doctrine has you covered, even though you agreed to the terms of service:

"For the sake of clarity, you understand and agree: (i) that your “purchase” of a CryptoKitty, whether via the App or otherwise, does not give you any rights or licenses in or to the Axiom Materials (including, without limitation, our copyright in and to the art and drawings associated with that CrytpoKitty) other than those expressly contained in these Terms; and (ii) that you do not have the right to reproduce, distribute, or otherwise commercialize any elements of the Axiom Materials (including, without limitation, our copyright in and to the art and drawings associated with that CrytpoKitty) in any way without our prior written consent in each case, which consent we may withhold in our sole and absolute discretion."

I read that section of the agreement to mean you are good to go to post pictures in a Steemit article.

Show us the kitties!


I would like to clarify one thing. If you were looking to add photos of GrumpyCat to an article, then I would say tread lightly. GrumpyCat scares me sometimes.

Interesting. I will have to check this rule out for the future. I am typically cautious.

Since you purchased your CryptoKitty, also check out the First Sale Doctrine.

Since my first reply, I see other Steem writers posting images of CryotoKitties. If were receiving takedown notices from the CryptoKitty copyright holders, I feel we would have heard about that by now.

I am not an attorney, but if someone ever messes with you about posting an image of your Kitty, or other item that you have purchased, then feel free to contact me. I am rusty, but have a strong background in takedown notices, and the DMCA.