"Between death and autism, which one would you rather take your chance with?"
I think your question presumes that if the person doesn't get the vaccine, he or she will die. Before the big vaccine push, measles wasn't as serious as they make it out to be today.
A whistle-blower came out not to long ago and exposed some interesting statistics about the MMR vaccine. These statistics were covered up, and then later reproduced. The man responsible for covering them up came out as he felt immensely guilty about it.
In 1968 a measles vaccine was developed by Maurice Hilleman and his colleagues. This is the same Maurice Hilleman who admitted on audio tape that they introduced a monkey kidney cancer virus called SV40 into the polio vaccines. It was injected into 30 million people.
I don't know if it's the mercury that is causing the autism or what exactly is. It could simply be an autoimmune disease triggered by one of the vaccine ingredients. For example they used to, and still might in some cases use peanut oil in vaccines as an adjutant. Sometimes this would result in the person developing a deadly peanut allergy. So questions I wonder about is, how many cancer cases are attributed to vaccines? Or what about the polio vaccines, that actually have given people polio? This kind of stuff happens all of the time.
For starters I think a cost benefit analysis is in order, risk/vs/reward. Do we really need to be vaccinating people against the chicken pox, and the flu? I mean the flu vaccine rarely ever covers the predominate strain. With each dose, unless you ask otherwise your getting dosed with mercury. It can't be good for you. It destroys cells on contact. It's a heavy metal, I mean one would have to chelate to remove it from the body.
Disclaimer: I'm not a medical doctor, none of this is to be construed as medical advice.
P.S. Iatrogenesis (or death by doctor) is the third leading cause of death in the U.S.
It's hard to understand how someone might feel if they won this horrible lottery of vaccine injury. So please look at this video, and put yourself in this guys shoes if not only to see the place of pain where these parents are coming from.
You do realise that the Polio vaccine is responsible for wiping out the disease on earth? Or at least it would have been had religious superstition not got in the way, when a Nigerian Iman started talking of plots and blah, blah, blah. Guess what? Polio's back! Yay for superstition and unsupported evidence!
The reason you don't know is;
a) You're not a doctor
b) You have not taken any education in the area and have not studied specifically in the area of vaccines.
c) You choose to ignore the advice and studies of people who are doctors and have studied in this area.
d) Vaccines don't cause autism.
The reason why I won't watch the video, is because it's an anecdote, a very sad anecdote, however it is a tale of ONE person. Research are lots of anecdotes put together, that's the kind of info that I take notice of.
You say that death by doctor is a leading cause of death in America? Well so is heart disease and cancer, but that doesn't mean that vaccines cause autism, they are entirely unconnected facts.
Mutant Strains Of Polio Vaccine Now Cause More Paralysis Than Wild Polio
I realize that the Polio vaccine is causing many people in third world countries to develop "Polio-like" symptoms. If they want to try and pretend that Polio has been vanquished by using carefully crafted words such as "Polio-like", well that's certainly their prerogative.
Yes to a), b), and c). No to d)
I can't, not-know the cause of something, based on a statement that you hold to be true. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Or rather, just because I am not aware of evidence that a vaccine causes autism, doesn't necessarily mean that said evidence doesn't exist.
The very fact that you are aware of the phenomenon of vaccine injury, and "autism-like" symptoms really makes me wonder how forthright your being with yourself about the issue. It's clear to me that they are using "autism-like" so that they can maintain the claim that vaccines don't cause autism.
Ask yourself this, when they use the term vaccine. How can we even be certain that they are talking about the entire shot. They may only be addressing the inactive virus, and if that's the case it's simply another shenanigan employed in order to limit their liability.