If you have a strong predisposition to distrust the establishment then no matter how much factual data you are presented with you can justify in your mind that it was manufactured to support the establishment.
Each person has filters they pass all information through. Some filters are more flexible then others based on past experiences and largely based on your childhood. People don't even realize they are hearing words differently then the next person.
Your filter may take something someone says as humorous while someone else might think the person is a jerk. How can that be?
It all goes back to your belief systems, past experiences, how you want others to see you, and a ton of other factors that all build up our filters...very scientifically known as "Head Trash"
Personally I like to think of it as Head Trash over filters because most people can recognize the fact that there is a some crazy stuff put into our heads by teachers, neighbors, friends, parents, the news, and whatever other sources of information gathering we have done in our lives.
Seriously to make kids feel safer about an atomic blast they said to hide under your desk and put you hands over the back of your head. Sure that will save you!
You can see why someone might start to distrust the establishment...right? They lied to us as kids, why would they start telling the truth now?
This is just a simplified example, but seriously if you have ever done any public speaking and then ask for reviews you would be shocked at what comes back. It's honestly like some people didn't hear a word you said...and they probably didn't because their Head Trash was talking so loud they couldn't hear you.