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RE: Good Stories Getting In The Way Of Truth

For some reason we live in a world where some people will accept words as truth from actors (ie/ Gwyneth Paltrow says vaccines cause autism), but don't believe science. I'm not sure when it happened, but scientific facts to some are like opinions and they get to choose whether or not they believe them. Has society in general been "dumbed down"? Have our needs become so instantaneously met (drive-thru's for everything, google) that people don't know how to think for themselves anymore? where they don't have to "work" for answers? When did Wiki become the go-to for legitimate information? I grew up believing science was science, facts were facts, and opinions were opinions. It wasn't all interchangeable.

Wow! I'm not helping you solve this am I ? :)


as society in general been "dumbed down"? Have our needs become so instantaneously met (drive-thru's for everything, google) that people don't know how to think for themselves anymore?

Yes and yes, critical thinking is dying and it is killing me . . .
