If you have invested $1000 on these 5 coins you have became millionaire today

Crypto coins, if you have invested just $1000 in Jan 2017 then you have became millionaire by now.

Crypto #1 - Mr Bitcoin
Yeah, as its gaining much attention of whole world and it deserves to. Bitcoin is proving itself continuously. As its a long way to go. If you have invested $1000 in Jan 17 then you must have $10,000 by now.

Crypto #2 - Ethereum
Ethereum Rank 2 coin as I have researched market, It's rate $8/coin on Jan 17. If you have invested $1000 then you must $62,000 by this time which is a great deal.


Crypto #3 - Ripple

I am not a fan a ripple because it is a centralised 70% of its market cap is owned by banking sector. Let's do calculation $0.006540/coin price at Jan 17, $1000 = 154,000 coins(approx). Price of now $0.226255/coin. 154,000 = $34,000

Crypto #4 - Neo

This can be your best investment if you have invested in it. $1000 = 7,000 coin (approx) in Jan 2017. 7,000 Neo coin worth $$238,000 today. This is a damn huge :-0

Crypto #5 - Dash
This coin is good for its limited supply. Let's calculate $1000= 90 coin in Jan 2017. Today, price of 90 coin is $60,000.

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