Wow, thank you for such a well thought out response, @movingman :-) I'll try to return the favor as best as I can.
the masses in built up country have been subconciously programmed too associate the word Bitcoin with the word Crime
Yes, that's true. And they've also been programmed to associate the word "bank" with "trustworthy", at least until the crisis of 2008 / 2009. Now we still have a long way to go, but that's at least a century of subconscious programming wiped away from the minds of a good portion of the "western" population. We are living in exiting times my friend because the growing mistrust against banks and other institutions that don't actually produce something, but only make money because they already have money, is accompanied by a growing mistrust for governments and their henchmen, the mainstream media.
Its much better to introduce people to crypto by telling them NOT about Bitcoin, but instead about other coins and tokens
This is something I see happening right now; my younger colleagues at work increasingly come into contact with crypto via some small altcoin they heard about.. "my friend said that this POWH3D is something I should buy to make a lot of money fast". And next thing you know this total joke of a coin (come on... Proof Of Weak Hands?) is the talk of the day at the coffee machine. I don't know if that's necessarily a good thing, other than that they get sucked into our world. Bitcoin still has the longest track-record of being trustworthy and I'm afraid that a lot of the "new blood" will leave crypto-space as soon as the experience their first loss with that small pump-coin; they are the so called "weak hands" that have left the market in this latest correction after the december pump.
As for me I wont be with a microchip in my hand, having eyes scans to get my food whilst being programmed from a chip in my brain. So thers no chance in the future for free people to cash btc in because its not anon.
For me this is the million dollar question and I will write an article about this: do we really want anonymity in transactions as a truly free society? This is something to think about, even if Bitcoin is designed as a trust-less means of transacting between individuals. I also touch upon this issue of trust (in a slightly different perspective) in this article: Who Do You Trust? Full Disclosure!.
In general though I agree with a lot of what you're saying here. We're not there yet, not by a long shot. But I do see a lot of positives and have a good feeling about the future!
Thanks again, also for the resteem. And if you don't mind: you also have a new follower here :-)
Ive got ot go out ! but im following you now also , and will give a friendlier reply at some point later on!
I want to see you other posts so will when im back , or even on the app is possible also