
You really put a lot of effort into this @zyx066! Well done!!

No one said freedom was ever gonna be easy.

Indeed! In our "big wide world," whether "in here" or "out there," creating anything of value requires ... WORK! Oh no! Not that!!!

A big influence on my life in this area was a military veteran (now passed on), who had a very distinguished career. I got to meet him personally years ago and he had a very simple yet profound way of expressing what freedom is all about:

"Freedom + Responsibility = Liberty
"Freedom - Responsibility = Anarchy


As an engineer, I love this! From what you write here in your post, you've clearly chosen the former, when it comes to your support of EOS. All the best to you going forward!

Looking forward to future updates @zyx066. Keep posting! 👍 😊

Thank you so much for these kind words @roleerob :-) I'll do my best always to keep my readers informed of everything and anything that spikes my curiosity and interest, and hope it's interesting to them too. Comments are always highly appreciated and are the real reason we do what we do here on Steemit. Thanks for being a shining exemple! :-)

Great breakdown, i really learned a lot by reading this post, and since i have quite a bit of eos this was extremely informative to me..

Thank you, @moderndayhippie, for the kind words. I'm so glad I could be of help! :-)

great article. Im nothing to do with EOS and I dont hold any of the coins but I feel like i learned something from this (or at least, I COULD learn something from this if I needed to!)
I sort of feel like a regular senate of specialists would be handy for keeping track of key witnesses and discussing the philospohical implications of voting certain characters in to power. I don't know how you could ensure that this senate was neutral, but personally for me (as a not particularly technical OR diligent person) I feel i would only ever be able to engage in this voting process if I could choose from a number of percieved potential future developments based on the group analysis of some well informed commentators. On steemit I have felt unable to cast votes purely because Ive only been drawn to witnesses who are creating something that I PERSONALLY like or that someone else is unashamedly promoting. I am sick of both of these tendencies in government voting and the last thing I want to do is enter in to the same useless behavioural patterns in an environment that I would so love to see become genuinely revolutionary. I realise this blatently reveals that I havn't worked very hard to research all the winesses, but I dont really understand the ACTUAL implications within this system, so it really feels like Id have to become an expert to make my votes worthwhile. I personally don't have the time, energy or motivation for this.....and I imagine that in reality this is the case for most people

Wow, you really cover a lot of ground in this article.the launch has been and likely will continue to be quite bumpy, that's how launches are, and there is lots of new ground we enter.

I love your highly rational approach to all of this, @conceptskip :-) Thanks for covering all that ground with me ;-)

Ive counted the 60 as a loss a brought more instead.. i need now to get a new private key for the wallet I have. Dam eos isnt a good one to just hodl and forget about is it lol

Ooohh.. that sucks, my friend... :-( And yes, you're right: EOS will take effort from everyone involved in this building-period, and there's no way to know how long it'll take to settle down. It'll be a while before the smoke lifts off to reveal this new blockchain in its full glory. Steemit has had far longer to settle down and mature, and even here the politics and economics aren't clear to the average blogger. True mass adaptation will come if and when the block-producers and have managed to make EOS the true protocol it is supposed to be, so Dapps can be run on it without any extra effort, without people even knowing they're using a crypto-driven decentralized app in the background. Steemit came close, let's hope EOS can finish the job!

Love your strong conviction and hope you won't lose any more, but I'm sure you'll manage :-)

Hi man! I've been offline, got no electric and im hiding from the sun haha way to hot here 😊 need to charge laptop but also enjoying nature instead and finishing up here outside ☺

You should definitely get a hard wallet, it is well worth the money to keep your cryptos safe. Trezors are great and u can pick up the older model for under 100 usd..

hi man! my auto bote was for zyx006 hahahhah just updated it!

Me and crypto, i registered my eos just before the deadline but i didnt realise i had not enough gas on MEW to make the transaction! now i think ive lost 60 eos hahahhahah

That blows! I think I read somewhere that they are working on a way to get back the lost tokens because so many people lost out. I wouldve missed it too if it wasnt for luckily reading a post on steemit a few days prior to the deadline.. sorry about ur loss, hopefully im right and u will eventually get ur eos back..

White i like Eos is Manu ways, it is in no way a democracy. A democracy means One person, one vote. IF voting power is dependent on tour wealth, then it's an engineered oligarchy. But good post nonetheless.

thanks so much for this comment, @kooshikoo :-) I should have said more about this subject, because you're absolutely right: this could eventually be used as an engireered oligarchy. Like I said: we cannot prevent that with any blockchain or other programming-technique. We will have to make the difference.

The EOS blockchain and current Constitution do a lot to prevent concentration of power, but can never be an airtight defense against human greed. The way the voting works now amounts to as level a playing-field as you can start with, at least if I understand everything right. Every private/public key-pair is limited to a maximum of 30 votes and you'll need 3 EOS to be able to cast thise 30 votes: one EOS pays for 10 votes. And I shouldn't say "pays" because you just "stake" the coin after which it is frozen for a couple of days.

So whales could cheat by making loads of wallets and spreading their coins in portions of 3 EOS to cast a barrage of votes, but that's cumbersome to say the least. But in short: no system can prevent huge concentration of economical power. Only a working democracy can. And for a democracy to work, all it's participants will have to be equipped to make informed, responsible decisions that reflect some concern for the community.

Thanks for giving me a chance to add this, and I can fully understand any pessimism on this; our species hasn't had much luck achieving true freedom, whatever that may be. We'll have to wait and see and keep working at it. That's how I see it at least ;-)

I installed Scatter and the software is not mature yet, you can't send or receive tokens so far with it. Which EOS wallet you use to transfer your EOS to Scatter?

Resteem this great article.

You know what, @chesatochi? I just realized that I haven't even considered that :-) I hodl, I don't send... So I haven't tried myself, but it should be able still to import your private key into any other new wallet. You could try simplEOS, or maybe even Metamask or MEW still works: a friend of mine still has his EOS showing in both Exodus and Metamask. But he's even worse than me: his coins don't budge an inch ;-)

Hope this helps and I'm going to try it myself today. I'll come back to you if I run into any difficulties. Thanks for waking me up there my friend! ;-)

My pleasure, do you have 2 or 3 EOS to sell? Right now Binance does not allow withdrawn for EOS!

That's a great analysis..

Thank you for that nice compliment :-) I'm glad you liked it, @hhumaira!

So, EOS is good, but drama needed for marketing? :D

It's the kind of advertisement money can't buy... ;-)