Is anyone using crypto currency for ....anything?

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

34665BB0-55A0-4EA1-BEA8-6F6EEA6B1B9D.jpegOK , I know the answer to this question. There are some people who invest in it. Does anyone know anyone that uses Bitcoin, Etgereum or even Litcoin for more than ...say 5 % of their daily monetary transactions ??

I mean I hope Blockchain works . I hope it deprives governments of their monopoly over control of money supply and interest rates.

But....if it is going to work should not you and I see more evidence of it’s adoption as an every day thing. You know, here in the real world.
Just asking.


To the question in your title, my Magic 8-Ball says:

It is decidedly so

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