
A bubble within a larger bubble perhaps?

Precisely. It was a bubble in the short run but we have seen many of those since 2010, every time the price bounce back even higher with the exclusion of the 2014 bear, within 6 - 9 months. I remember the DAO hack like it was yesterday and GOX. When everyone throws in the towel that's when you load. Soros did not make all that money by being stupid. Also, he has all the incentive to talk it down a few months ago to buy in cheap now.

Agreed, or perhaps a bubble within a bigger bubble.

This will be the story of Crypto the bubble within a bigger bubble. The bubble that just kept going disrupting a $200 trillion currency market.

Yep. And once you have that amount of money and that kind of influence, getting even more money is child's play.

typical institutional investor

You just buy the damn thing and be patient, this is the patient basically stealing from the impatient here...