Market Forces are "Opinions" - The Mind Tripping Reality

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Market Focres are "Opinions."

There's a whole spectrum of degrees and variances of "opinion". It's a reality of both fact and fiction. The good and the bad. In a way it's a kind of "religion of self" where each "self" here is the prophet for profit and thus the more effective one is with profits and prophets the more the continuance of profits and prophets.

It's like a circle dance of sorts.

A back and forth and all a round dance, movement and momentum.

A time loop of sorts.

Always very "logical".

It's funny because -

we are introduced to,

"Fuzzy Logic".

Fuzzy logic is a bit of a conundrum of sorts because we get into the heart protocols of "processing" effectively and efficiently. If there exists errors/deceptions in one's processing - there will be degrees and variances of "off'ness" in one's processing of information, awareness and knowing.

It's here with the fuzzy logic that things go back and forth within a certainty of uncertainty as the final outcome of opinions must hit a tipping point result of up or down. It's an ongoing play. "The force".

This is why Media is so important.

Broadcasting information is like the setting of the table for dinner. It's the preparation for the meal - the main event. It's accommodation for the event - a real strong foundation of support.

When we think about the very nature of "opinion", it's possible to see the formation and the overall structure in how we got the connections - the points of clarity here. It's a matter of perspective on other bits of info. based on our effectiveness with working with various bits of info we are able to issue our bits of info. Our "opinions" on matters here. Based on each and everyone reporting on Matter with Opinion....we are opening the ions of existence so to speak as ultimately creating the consensus or lack there of agreement on points of regard.

The ridiculousness and absurdity of our "Opinions"...also known as "market forces" is that we've defeated ourselves - constantly and continuously, without necessarily realizing the con of our convictions because the "fuzzy" seems so logically to "make sense". This is also know as a "mind trip".

Market Force Mind Tripping - The Dichotomy of Opinion

  • We'll go deeper into this in my post to come.

  • Metcafe's Law and Network Effects will be examined more closely

  • The nature of market valuations and price discovery

  • How value is created as a matter of opinion.

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If in reality an economic system of perfect competition were to exist, market forces would make sure of balancing the differential risks with differential yields.

interesting perspective @leoumesh.

What is your definition of "perfect competition"?

and does "market forces" refer to "opinions"?

Meaning to rephrase your statement:

If in reality an economic system of perfect competition were to exist, "opinions" would make sure of balancing the differential risks with differential yields...

Yes market forces refer to opinions. Opinion, when unambiguous, impacts policy decisions on market forces.

Value is created by conforming to opinions. People love confirmation bias. I'll admit it. I do too. Sometimes though, a little bit of cognitive dissidence is needed to test what we know. Is it really true, or are we just comfortable with it? @ironshield

haha -

Always a real pleasure @ironshield


The best use of resources is in being so aware one causes no harm. Opinions happen when the drive for profit supersedes that real use of skill ( inventing without causing harm). The dissonance comes in when one protects a mis-use of resources because one is tenaciously holding onto the profit, ignoring the effects of their actions that are in deed, upsetting another person's livelihood. People love confirmation bias, is in itself an opinion. It is, a comfort zone of justification, one that we feel empowered to use, under the guise that everyone is doing it- which is all a soupy and fuzzy logic in itself. There is only one choice; to do no harm.

in life we ​​must make a profit.

I agree with you who say This is a fact of fact and fiction. The good and the bad. In that way it is a kind of "self religion" in which every "self" here is a prophet for profit and therefore more effective is with the advantages and prophecies of more profits and prophets. It's like a circle dance. A back and forth and all round dance, movement and momentum. A gruff opinion, thank you.

the word of mouth really plays an important factor isn't it