Cryptocurrency Trading for Beginners- Common Terms Used By Crypto Traders.

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

What Is Cryptocurrency

A cryptocurrency is a digital or virtual currency designed to work as a medium of exchange. It uses cryptography to secure and verify transactions as well as to control the creation of new units of a particular cryptocurrency. Essentially, cryptocurrencies are limited entries in a database that no one can change unless specific conditions are fulfilled.

Terms to get familiar with as a crypto trader.

What is “HODL”?

The very first time the term HODL appeared on the Bitcoin talk forum was in 2013 and came from a member named GameKyuubi under the thread “I AM HODLING”.

From the look of the post, he was drunk and wanted to convey the fact that he was holding his BTC despite the serious fall that had just happened.
Since then, this misspelled term became very popular in the Bitcoin and cryptocurrency world. Whenever a person says in a conversation that he/she is hodling or suggests to hodl, it means that they believe their coin will be profitable one day, if not today.
So basically, “HODL” was originally a typo which has now popularly earned the status of a humorous backronym:

  • “HODL” – “Hold on for dear life”
    If you’re new to the cryptocurrency space, you’ve probably seen some other jargons that you don’t know about. Here’s a quick reference dictionary for some common crypto-terms:

Popular Terms every cryptocurrency day traders must know:

  1. FOMO.

Fear of missing out. It means the fear of missing out on the profit which might result from an investment or a decision.
The Wiki definition – A pervasive apprehension that others might be having rewarding experiences from which one is absent.

  1. ATH
    All time high. This means that the price of a certain cryptocurrency or coin has broken all of its past records and is trading at the highest price it has ever achieved.
  2. BEAR
    This is a term borrowed from the Wall Street people. This means a trader/investor who believes the prices of a particular cryptocurrency or market will fall and wants to profit from that fall.
  3. WHALE
    This is a term borrowed from gambling people. It means a trader with a fat account, usually one who is bullish (one who thinks the market will rise) on the price of any specific cryptocurrency. These people are also referred to as bullish whales.
    This means a trader with a fat account who is bearish on the price of a cryptocurrency.
    This is an investor or a trader who has been holding (or hodling) for too long on a particular cryptocurrency and now has to face the consequences of that decision.
  6. REKT

This is a misspelling of “wrecked”. This term refers to a trader or investor who is utterly ruined and destroyed with losses from the current downfall of a price.

    This refers to a crypto’s upward momentum as it keeps climbing in price, as in, “The price of this coin will one day go to the moon!”
  2. ADDY
    This refers to a cryptocurrency public address (or key). For example: “Tell me your ADDY, please.”
  3. FUD
    Fear, uncertainty, and doubt. This term usually refers to investors who are unsure of the potential of a situation.

A deliberately distorted way of referring to China. As China is a country which is immensely influential in the Bitcoin space, it has largely dominated mining and trading activities.

  1. ALTCOIN = Any cryptocurrency other than bitcoin.
  2. ASHDRAKED = A situation where you lost all your money.
  3. BTFD = Buy The Fucking Dip (an indication to buy a coin when it has dumped so hard)
  4. DILDO = Long green or red candles
  5. DUMP = To Sell off a coin
  6. DUMPING = Downward price movement
  7. DYOR = Do Your Own Research
  8. FA = Fundamental Analysis
  9. JOMO = Joy Of Missing Out
  10. LONG = Margin bull position
  11. MCAP = Market Capitalization
  12. OTC = Over The Counter
  13. PUMP = Upward price movement
  14. SHITCOIN = A coin with no potential value or use
  15. SHORT = Margin bear position
  16. SWING = Zig zag price movement (Upwards and downwards)
  17. TA = Technical Analysis
  18. REVERSE INDICATOR = Someone who is always wrong predicting price movements.
    Disclaimer: These terms are all used for fun and humor. I have collected them from the internet and chat rooms via various resources. Moreover, as they are subjective terms, I don’t hold any responsibility for the correctness of exact meanings.


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