This morning I saw a post from @beachbuminvestor that really inspired me to try out something similar.
It was called Micro investing in the crypto-economy - Small budget?
I decided i wanted to give this kind of trading a try as I usually tend to a buy and hold coins.
Today is the day that I start the challenge.
To start the challenge I have just purchased ฿0.121136 for £250, I purchased from the btc which is a fast way to get Btc when your in the UK. all it takes is a simple bank transfer that literally takes less than 5 minutes. (I should say it depends who you are trading with, the way bitbargin works is it connects people who want to sell bitcoin with people who want to buy)
The exchange
I will be using will be, I will use Bittrex as I like the UI, they seem to have a large selection of coins and the fee's seem alright at 'All trades have a 0.25% commission.'
My rules & strategy
I plan on tracking my trades on a private Cryptocompare Portfolio, I will be taking screenshot etc.
The First Trade
Luckily I had a bit of time to do some research whilst i was waiting to the btc to confirm in Bittrex and i have decided to go with ViaCoin (VIA) - I purchased 196.96326545 VIA for a total of ฿0.11613939 (inc Fees), I heard of it earlier today on reddit and i also saw it on /biz/. I looked at the order book and pretended i know whats going on.
Now I don't know much about reading charts, but it looked to me like there are a lot of people trying to buy it, and not many trying to sell, with the asks being not steep at all i think they could sell fast and see the price increase, so i jumped in.
Now i will hold over night and see what happens!
Wish me luck, im pretty sure ill need it.

Ps. Never spend money on crypto that you cannot afford to lose, I am considering the £250 a sunk cost.
Good luck with your challenge!