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RE: Fingerprints, Eye Scans Now Required To Buy Food In India, As Banks Cut Off Cryptocurrencies

I would not have expected India to be the Lexington Square of the battle for freedom against the globalists, but I am fairly well insulated from news from India.

But, this is it. The people of India will no longer have cash or PMs to conduct official business with. The cryptocurrencies are simply no longer officially going to be part of that financial system. Indians now have a choice whether to conduct their private business in that financial system, or to opt out to the extent possible.

Farmers can still exchange food they produce for cryptocurrency with people that wish to purchase it thereby, without informing the official retina scanning financial system such transactions occurred.

Translating cryptocurrency into fiat, through banks, has continued to be it's weakness. It is such chokepoints that governments are using to prevent cryptos from being adopted today. In India, folks will either transfer cryptocurrencies directly to one another, and transform cryptocurrencies into actual money, or they will be subject to the draconian and despotic financial system that is imposing that choice on them.

While their existential need is upon them, and that is a tragedy for their people, I fully expect that many Indians will opt out, and that a global economy that uses cryptocurrencies as actual money in which you can buy food, pay rent, etc., to develop as a result.

India will be our pioneers in the transformation of cryptocurrencies into actual money, and fire the first shots into the heart of the global financial economic predatory system that seeks to turn us all into no more than chattel, or they will be the first victims sentenced to life servitude to the global control grid that is being effected in it's separate parts regionally.

Surveillance poineered by the Five Brown Eyes nations, now financial enslavement in India, social control in China, etc...

We should note that our physical births were affairs bathed in pain and blood; traumatic endings of our tenancy in our protective wombs that exposed us to the danger and opportunities endemic to living outside that security. The naissance of a new global paradigm is comparable, and just couldn't happen without the concomitant pain and trauma.

In the aftermath of the current war for our sovereign right to conduct our affairs independent of would be slavers of all mankind, we will either learn to crawl, walk, and finally run free of such masters, or will be relegated to our corrals and feedlots, to be harvested for their profits at their sole option.

The battle is joined. They have come for their lives and liberty in India.

They will come here too, wherever here may be for you.




you always have very thoughtful comments, i rarely have anything to add lol well said.