Thanks for the videos,
Wish I had even more EOS, what do you think is a good price point to buy it at? I got a couple more under 5$ so it seems like a shame to buy it for anything more than that. Boxmining (who always upvotes your posts and I assume gets lots of info about EOS from you) said at about 8$ USD he wasn't prepared to buy in and of course as of right now it is over 13$ USD. I think anything under 10$USD is a good time to get in.
Your thoughts?
The more and more I learn about EOS the better it sounds, I like the mini series you got going on here. Thanks!
It's a tough call. When priced in Bitcoin EOS is at all time highs. The only thing I could suggest is look for a pullback as a potential buying opportunity.
brother your all post awesome amazing