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RE: A 'Cashless Society' Where Bitcoin Trades at 50-100% Premium [VIDEO]

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago (edited)

:) A little shameful plug here - I see this as a good space to share our goals & plans.

We here at Cryptonix ( are creating a secure , user-friendly and awesome Cryptocurrency Exchange!

We currently need to raise funds to pay for the exchange services.
We hope that those who believe it is a worth-while project can please offer a donation our way to help make this project a reality!

We want to list a large variety of Cryptocurrencies and provide many payment options to allow anyone to participate in the Cryptocurrency space.

We are also looking to create/ in the process of making our very own Cryptocurrency fork of Monero - The Privacy Oriented Cryptocurrency.
Called Cryptonix Cash (CTXR)


If anyone is interested & I mean truly interested in offering funding for this project - please private message us threw our site.
If we have enough funding we can truly take this to the next level!!

Thank-you for your support!
