Why Crypto Needs a DEX Aggregator


Launching this Summer, Totle aims to bring liquidity and usability to an evolving landscape of decentralized exchanges.


The volume of transactions, or lack there of, has plagued decentralized exchanges.

At launch, Totle will pool the order books across multiple platforms to combat the limited availability of orders. By aggregating the fragmented order books among DEXs, the odds of filling a user’s request increases greatly.

Having one interface as an access point to the DEX ecosystem also reduces friction for users. New decentralized exchange protocols will certainly develop as crypto asset trading volume grows.

Totle’s platform agnostic approach allows for future integrations and maximum liquidity for users.


One of the major issues with decentralized exchanges has been usability.

EtherDelta busted onto the scene and has taken control of market share for volume of trades on decentralized exchanges. However, the experience is practical at best. It is understandable that user experience was not top of mind for a DEX that was building the first iteration of such a disruptive concept.

Things are different now.

0x project developments have led to an emergence of relayers such as Radar and ERC-DEX and more are on the way. IDEX has over 50,000 users. Kyber has released a semi-public product and further releases are coming next month.

The DEX space is starting to develop and people want experiential improvements to previous platforms. Individually, these groups have made tremendous progress on interface design and functionality. Although, the focus for these DEXs has been on infrastructure as a necessary evolution for the industry.

Alternatively, Totle takes a UX-first approach. Our product is being built on the concept that ease-of-use is a core feature to the platform.

Our portfolio tournaments last year allowed users to get their hands on our first attempt at an interface. We’ve since collected user feedback, conducted interviews, and recorded users interacting with our product as we iterate.

We will be releasing the world’s most user-friendly DEX platform this summer. A private release and testing cycle to take place over the next three months.

Blockchain technology has created a common place for the settlement of transactions — interacting with it should be easy.

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