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@bobreedo, I love your definition of casual here

I'm a "casual' investor in crypto..."casual" meaning I only check my balances about 50 times per three different blogs more than a couple times each day...check my balances while sitting in meetings....receive email updates from various links I signed up on...have purchased multiple newsletters...."only" own 26 different coins...and "only" utilize 5 different exchanges....

I wish I was as smart and bought some cryptocurrencies instead of working my a$$ off doing my PhD, which mounted to no money and overqualified status wherever I go.
I am thankful however that I started my journey, late but hopefully not too late, to understand this new world. Mind you, I haven't invested anything yet since I am not sure what to invest in and how.

You may wonder, so why are you commenting here? I would say, "Just cuz I felt like it" :P_ Joking ;)

I just wanted to ask you, what are you going to do with the money you gained from investing in cryptocurrency? I mean, I know it's not mu business what you do with your own money, but I hope you are at least enjoying your life with the money you gained and not only saving it for the next big investment! As that would be a real shame. You never know when the government will decide to implement taxes in crypto.

Sorry if I said something that was not my business. Just though to remind you to have a good life and live it, but I hope I didn't need to do so.

Many thanks for sharing :D


I appreciate the kind a point in life where I can't afford to stop working but would like to dramatically slow down...this investment may allow that opportunity sooner if it continues on its path...but as you gurantees.

Don't downplay your accomplisments...I missed many financial opportunity waves over the years...this won' t be the last...and not too late to still dip your toes in the water...

Good luck.

I am really happy you didn't take my words the wrong way :)

Many thanks for your kind compliment and for the encouragement and suggestion

Good luck to both of us in this word :D