Free crypto wallet with coins

coins you get paid for holding.I want to get more people involved in the crypto markets and think the best/easiest way would be to give a way Raspberry Pi W( that come with a Bitcoin Wallet setup and some proof of stake

Looking for suggestions on other coins, wallet, any advice.

I'm going to buy this equipment out of my own money and give it away.

Does anybody know someone who might be interested in a free device?

I'll provide free tech support also to get the person up and working also.

This is all part of an effort to build a community of like minded individuals looking to break free from the status quo.



Interesting concept. Being a proof of stake does is need to be powered on and connected to the Internet at all times?

Yes and that's why I thought a small device like the one mentioned would be best(low-power requirements). Have it plugged into an HDMI port on your living room tv screen. Use bluetooth connection to access the wallet on the Raspberry Pi.

I am always interested in adding another to my collection. I have seen a couple of proof of stake wallets, but have no funds to buy the stake.

In order to get a wallet though you must agree to be interviewed. The interview might even be live if deemed worthy.

I have no problem with that, just learning crypto tho.

What coins do you need for your wallet and what are the addresses?

I currently do not have a proof of stake wallet because of the need to have coin to stake. If you are asking other coin, I HODL Steem, Manna, Superior and PLATFORMS. Are those the addresses you are interested in?