1. Dash has had a 'ratings' system, which has used help control the narrative.
Anything with 4+ "troll" or "dumb" ratings basically gets hidden from view, just enough to control the messaging when its important do so: Below are plenty of situations where this has occurred:
A closed thread being critical of decisions some core team member have made in the past and their motives:
Solarminer being completely sensible and getting "hidden due to ratings" for being critical of Dash.
A collective effort to hide more posts that don't consist of Dash circle jerking:
Local "troll" (he often makes ALOT of sense even though hes a puppet account hiding behind a random name) being downvoted to oblivion for calling out the truth about coin distribution:
https://www.dash.org/forum/threads/spies-in-core-team-censorship-etc.12734/page-2More @Demo:
This is actively happening every time a certain group of Dash users feel certain information is better if not seen, it's not 100% censorship yet, but they are well on their way with Tungfa the control freak in charge of the forums now.
Oh and proof people like tungfa take advantage of the ratings system to hide posts:
2. The goal is to maintain a veil of plausible deniability and have more control of the echo chamber that is DashTalk.org.
If they simply closed and locked threads while constantly deleting posts like /r/bitcoin for example, there would be obvious proof that this is an on going strategy to keep the hype cycle continuing and the scam on going; so instead the idea was to add a ratings system in and get your blind followers to censor for you, with the occasional emergency locks and what not...
3. Dash is a completely fabricated hype machine with built in control mechanisms.
The main reasons behind the growth of Dash is all smoke and mirrors, Dash has not upgraded anything spectacular, they just claim to and keep changing code, when in fact Dash is now more feature-less than it has ever been. InstantSend, the main pillar of Dash doesn't even work right now since the 'upgrade' to 12.1, which should have been the "evo" update, but instead thats being pushed back an entire year or more. Judging by the new dash.org taking 1.5 years, we could be waiting a while for the actual upgrade to arrive, if it ever does. The point being; this is a huge hype machine and the only way to keep the hype going is to keep the people being critical of Dash out of the public view. The modded ratings system was a perfect fit for this concept.
The accelerated price of Dash without any substantial reasonings leads me to believe there is a significant event coming soon and the whales are looking for ways to kick the hype machine into overdrive before Bitcoin finds a block size solution and/or Maidsafe launches Safecoin, which is 100x the technology Dash could ever be. So invest wisely folks, be wary, watch them price charts, ask the hard questions, and make sure you don't get you hard investments taken from you in some house of cards styled ponzi scheme, with a cool promise.
I believe the STEEM blockchain can outperform the DASH blockchain speed wise as well as PoS wise....I think STEEM is much more fair. It gives everyone the opportunity to stake their coin. vs DASH requirement for 1000 DASH....Our blockchain is just as fast or faster. What are your thoughts on this @thedashguy? Would be interesting, because I know you have been an avid supporter of DASH so I find it interesting that you are posting these.
This is how #DASH TRASH handles critical feedback. "Shut up or I'll block you." LOL
Ira did bock me.
ira was a paid contractor for the atm project, he is no longer being paid nor was he ever on the core team #DASH. Dash does not control him. He had/has a contract to finish the atm project.
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Death to censorship. It's about time.
no one is being censored, lol
You couldn't pay me enough to work with that guy again.

Lol. My wallet wasn't the best but at least I had InstantX working.
We need to get SolarMiner on here if he isn't already.
I believe he has an account and just doesn't login too often lol
@thedashguy Your integrity is well noted! Good job!
low value trolling
the hash engineering wallet worked with instantx until we updated last week. there was another one too, may have been yours. yours would not work now either. HE is updating and instantsend will be working just fine. IS is off for the whole network right now anyway. you guys are so butthurt hurt you have to make issues out of nothing, lol. pathetic
I recommend people also check out this blog:
Also a great informative post from yet another long term Dash supporter sick of this crap! Care to tell us why you stopped supporting Dash @fulltimegeek? I already know but I'm sure people are curious.
Hooking into the code was a pain in the ass. This is due to the fact that Evan Duffield just duct tapes a bunch of "features" together.
Worst "Core Team" imaginable. Absolutely no love in the group nor do they care about what you have to say if it goes against their agenda.
Too many Masternodes in the hands of a few.
I can go on for days.
I'd love to read more about this, maybe you can create a post telling about your experience working for Dash.
Don't bite the hand that feeds you, thats the Dash motto right? :p
LONG TERM Dash supporter? Like you TDG? lol.
Grow up. Then we could discuss.