WAVES is one of the MOST undervalued Cryptos Around IMO - Here's Why: - EDIT it just smashed $5! (Scroll down)

in #cryptocurrency8 years ago (edited)


Waves has had a tumultuous time on the markets.

Waves took a while to get going and had a lot of detractors early on but given the valuations of other cryptocurrencies I think it is one of the most underappreciated ones right now.

Unfortunately I think much of this was because it launched around the same time as the disastrous Slockit DAO which had a chilling effect on the whole cryptocurrency ecosystem.

The subsequent effects on the market meant that it didn't take off as investors had expected and as often happens when people in crypto don't make a stack of money right away they started calling it a scam.

It has become quite clear that such accusations were complete nonsense, however I believe that it has created the situation where WAVES is quite undervalued compared to other major cryptocurrencies.

So Why Am I So Excited About WAVES?


Before we get started I should make it clear that this is my own personal opinion and not meant as trading advice - always do your own research and don't just blindly believe someone else before investing.

Further I can't cover all the information or all the news - I will just pick what stands out to me.

Screenshot 2017-08-05 16.21.39.png

IMO Waves should be in the top 10.

Current Market Valuation

The current price of WAVES is around $4. Litecoin is worth $46, ETH is around $240 and even ETC is $15.59 - obviously ETH makes sense because of all the work and utility but the others rather less so.

  1. WAVES has a fixed 100m supply and as stated earlier the current price is low compared to other cryptocurrencies.

  2. It is already using DPOS so there is no looming possibility of a chain split (which may occur when ETH moves to POS).

  3. Anyone can lease their WAVES to earn rewards straight from their wallet (without moving them).

Basic Features That Could Increase Demand

Screenshot 2017-08-05 16.24.49.png

The current DEX is basic but is constantly being upgraded.

  1. WAVES is probably the easiest platform to launch an ICO or create your own tokens on. With ICOs continuing to be a massive source of growth and outside interest in cryptocurrencies this will likely accelerate.

  2. WAVES has it's own decentralised exchange (DEX) which is constantly being improved. I have previously written about how important DEXs will become in the future and recently the DEX has become accessible using the Android mobile wallet.

Important Partnerships and News:

Screenshot 2017-08-05 16.38.36.png

The Deloitte announcement was huge news but sadly overshadowed by the Bitcoin scaling turmoil.

  1. WAVES has teamed up with Deloitte for providing ICO services.

  2. WAVES is working with the Russian National Settlement Depository (the central depository for the Moscow Stock Exchange) to "develop a potential digital blockchain platform to serve digital assets including cryptocurrencies and tokenized assets".

  3. WAVES also recently teamed up with the Russian Gazprombank to provide clients with ICO and blockchain services.

These are just a selection of recent partnerships and news - to be honest there is too much to cover here.

The WAVES team is marching forward with new developments faster than any other team I have seen.

Want More Information?

If you want more information and to keep up with the latest news and developments I would suggest using the following sources:

Screenshot 2017-08-05 16.19.10.png

The Waves Community Site.

The WAVES Community Site.

  1. The WAVES blog.

  2. The WAVES Twitter.

  3. Sasha Ivanov Twitter (the WAVES creator).

  4. BitcoinTalk Thread.

  5. Waves Community Site.

  6. Official Website.

  7. WAVES Slack.


Vitalik and Sasha at a lecture for ZRCoin a cross chain ICO - Source.

Overall when it comes to development, partnerships and technology WAVES is second only to Ethereum in my opinion.

There is some overlap in their roles but they are essentially doing different things and I think there is room for both to coexist in the market, indeed there are even cross blockchain projects and WAVES also recently added ETH pairs on the DEX.

It should also be noted that both Sasha Ivanov (the creator of WAVES) and Vitalik Buterin (the creator of ETH) seem to have a friendly relationship and Vitalik has both visited the WAVES offices and spoken at some of their events.

I think it is only a matter of time before WAVES is in the top 10 and if all goes well it should eventually be in the top 5.

I'm not sure if long term it could equal ETH in price but I think the potential for reaching $50-100 is certainly there given the prices of other cryptocurrencies which have significantly less development or utility.

That provides a significant opportunity for anyone to come in right now and make profits long term.

Of course there are never any guarantees in the crypto world but I will continue to keep buying WAVES whenever there is a dip.

Edit on Sunday 6 August 2017 at around 11.30 UK Time

Looks like WAVES is having a little surge and smashed the $5 mark!

Screenshot 2017-08-06 23.28.07.png

Thank you for reading



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I need to buy some WAVES, definitely undervalued.

It is but make sure to buy on a dip though.

Made some analysis about waves on current situation with upcoming ICO


One of my most favorite coins. :)

Great. Let's hope it gets to its true value sooner rather than later!

Not the perfect time to buy imo , but I think waves has potential.

Yes always best to wait for a dip.

It's bound to come after a quick rise. It is best to use it to pick up coins rather than the tendency that people have to buy on the peak.

I was actually reading about waves earlier today on their official site. I was trying to figure out what this cryptocurrency was all about. Thanks for the information about it. I think I will make a small purchase and see what happens.


For a second I thought this was another piece of your artwork and I was going to say you really outdid yourself this time with this marvellous render of a wave.

I remember someone online investing around $100,000 into waves thinking it will reach $15 but unfortunately for him it came crashing down to $1.83 during the rough bloodshed in the markets.

Waves has some huge possibilities and I didn't realise the different high profile organisations they were working with. It may be a viable long term investment for some people as I think it will definitely rise in the coming months.

I accumulated a couple of waves during the dip and I hope in the future waves becomes one of the top coins and loads of people build ICOs with waves technology @thecryptofiend

I remember someone online investing around $100,000 into waves thinking it will reach $15 but unfortunately for him it came crashing down to $1.83 during the rough bloodshed in the markets.

I think it will eventually but it is easy to get caught out.

He invested in an unfortunate time but as you said if you give it time, most of the time in the world of crypto it will pay off and you will get more than your investment.

OHH , trading is so hard , i invested in WAves , hope it skyrocket soon

Sometimes it takes time.

The more time passes, the more we realize that patience is an elementary element in the world of trading and that it is essential to include it in its trading plan in the same way as money management for example. This is all the more valuable when a trader lives on trading and makes it his main business, he needs to develop his business, to have positive results in the long term so it is very important to be patient When investing in the markets of trading.

WAVES indeed is a versatile cryptocurrency. It is decentralized, it can be leased, it provides ICO services, It's token supply is limites, all these facts makes it the crypto worth holding for long time. I also hold some WAVES, I bough it when it was $3 and still I am holding on to it because I know this currency will be huge. It's all time high is around $9 . Because of the market fall few weeks back, its value fell down but not for long.
Few days back I heard that it has collaborated with Deloitte to provide ICO services. At that moment, I was sure that I invested in the right crypto currency. Deloitte is among the big 4 accounting and auditing firms in the World, that means it is huge. Now, a person with litlle knowledge in WAVES can also recommend this currency because of it's potential.
I like this article so much sir @cryptofiend. This is the first time I read something about crypto on your blog. I am highly inspired by it sir. Thank you :)

its price never went to $9 yet.... the max it went it was almost $7 just to clarify also by the end of december or next year waves will reach 25$-35$ it's been growing rapidly

Yes I think it is quite possible and even then I think it would be undervalued compared to other cryptos which don't have the same utility or partnerships.


You're welcome sir :)

Nice summary.

I don't calculate in USD for me the bitcoin price is way more important.
At the moment it is 1 Wave = 0.00138909 If if falls under 0.0010 I consider it a strong buy. Interesting will be how the price is going to react on the 15th of August, as there will be the next "Airdrop"of "Waves Community Tokens".

I'm the same. Since ICOs are usually bought in crypto it doesn't make sense to consider the dollar value unless you take into account the value of holding your bitcoin or ether if you didn't invest.

hmm didnt know all that, even I invested before in waves. Waves is doing great atm. Always did. Let's see where it will go to :)

Yes it should be exciting.

Great post! Waves already has that what the others want (a DEX). I really like how Sasha interacts with the community as well :-)

Waves is in my long-term segment of my portfolio and as big as ETH and BTC ;-)


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How does Waves compare against Bitshares. I have been rooting for Bitshares but would definitely like to know more about WAVES and hedge by bets as I am currenlty betting fully on Bitshares.

It is different not necessarily better though. I think the main difference is the ease in creating tokens and the number of huge partnerships that they have. That said I would say is best to hold both rather than one or the other.

All time high is .024 bitcoin about $7.90. Isn't this a dip?

I really like the leasing proof of stake. Is there anyone else with this setup? Maybe gigawatt is similiar.

Also I think it Russia sees waves as a way to bypass the us in financial innovation.

All time high is .024 bitcoin about $7.90. Isn't this a dip?

Bitcoin was less than a 1000 dollars then so it would be less than a third of that.

I really like the leasing proof of stake. Is there anyone else with this setup? Maybe gigawatt is similiar.

I think there might be others but I don't think anyone else makes it that simple.

@ender sure current price is a buying opportunity depending on your trading approach to it long term or medium,you are followed check me out @detycoon

I looked into waves and decided to pass:

  • ICO craze phase is passing us, partially due to SEC announcement, partially due to most of them being dogshit.
  • there are other decentralized exchanges -- BTS, NXT?, bisq, nvo, OpenANX, and eventually ethfinex, and it's not clear people even prefer these to centralized versions at this point.
  • Is their colored coins approach strictly better than something like Bancor tokens?
  • Using their PoS gives worse returns than other PoS (like a dash node) or loaning BTC/USD/other coins on finex/poloniex

All in all, they have a number of decent features, like mobile app, but I just don't see a reason they are necessarily going to explode. They might do well, they might continue stagnating, I don't know. After the past 6 months of swings I'm starting to be way more selective with coins I invest in, and waves did a lot of things decently, but I didn't see its value rising with respect to BTC in the short term.

Nothing wrong with having a different opinion but I disagree with most of your points. The reasons are mostly stated in the post though. Also ICOs are continuing to grow - even VC companies are trying to get involved.

Using their PoS gives worse returns than other PoS (like a dash node) or loaning BTC/USD/other coins on finex/poloniex

That's because there is zero inflation and it is still quite small scale. It is actually an advantage for long term value.

Taking a second look at waves now and it looks very close to a buy. I'm gonna wait a few days to see how things shake out, but im targeting 24-48 hours from now. Rethought a couple things regarding the fundamentals, and they look ok. Definitely a pass right now, but could be a slam dunk in a day or two!

Yes it is always best to not make an emotional buy on the peak. Have done it myself so many times if you wait you can scoop up more!

@daut44 right on point buying on good dips is crucial,traders though chase price mvement an are eventually caught up in the frenzy,you are followed chek me out @detycoon cheers

There is an existing social media platform that will incorporate both Waves and Ethereum in their algorithm in their upcoming ICO. It will be the first dual-blockchain platform that I am aware of so it is interesting. It's name is onG.social and after the ICO it will reward users with cryptocurrency for their activity. Much like Steemit but with more features. Perhaps you want to check that out!

Indeed, been buying more of waves, strat, Ant shares, ETH and the likes. These platforms are the future. They will stand apart from your everyday shitcoin as those coins get lost in the crowd.

Yes hopefully.

@rt395 definitely diversification of crypto portfolio is key,followed check me out @detycoon take care

Interesting points. I've invested in quite a few coins already but actually didn't look into WAVES. It has been a pretty 'constant' factor at the moment thus I didn't look into it. But with the markets getting all green and growing again WAVES can go higher as well.

I want to thank you for your information and I'm gonna read up on it. Perhaps even buy some!

I am expanding my cryptocurrency portfolio at the moment, and will be looking at WAVES, Thank you for sharing. :)

You're welcome:)

Good Post!
I think the price will be ten time at least.

It should given the developments.

I also love WAVES. One of my favorite cryptocurrency. They have a really serious team working behind the scenes and several very good things as you explained (DEX, leasing system...). Great article.

Yes they seem to make a lot of progress and have good communication about it too.

Waves, Ethereum and Bitshares seem to be the most popular in terms of a platform you can create your own sub coins on. I really like this idea and it would be awesome to setup your own rewards system.

Yes I think there are lots of ways of making use of it. Could also create a lot of spam tokens too but that is always going to be a risk.

@bitcoinflood these platforms are definitely competitive to the blockchain,its makes the whole crypto trades more exciting,followed check me out @detycoon

Pretty informative. A few days ago I was planning to invest in waves but got busy in work thought would do on weekend and guess what it is trading $4.46 when i was writing this post. Hopefully Waves would reach to its potential.

Yes hopefully:)

We'll see what happens still waiting on Stratis and waves to make they're huge pump up GAINz

Best to hold a little bit of each I think.

this is an excellent expository post about this cryptocurrency. You gave the relevant background, the current market valuation and listed features that could increase demand. What impressed me besides the low current price that makes it attractive to small investors is the partnerships Waves has forged. I know Deloitte and the fact that the Waves creator has a cordial working relationship with ETH seems to me to seal the deal. I'm sure others are as impressed as I am by this coin. For any who are seeking further information, you provided some excellent sources.

Yes exactly. Thank you for your kind analysis.

It seems that just as bitcoin investors investors invested in bitcoins when no body knew its potential,now waves investors are investing in waves.So they may expect big returns in future.

Yes I think so.

Your post was mentioned in the hit parade in the following category:Congratulations @thecryptofiend!

  • Comments - Ranked 10 with 104 comments

Interesting. Any idea what type of return you get for leasing your Waves tokens? I didn't know they had that kind of functionality in their wallet.

I can't say for sure as I have only recently put a decent amount in my wallet recently - should have done it earlier. It will depend on how many tokens you have. I would suggest asking on Bitcointalk or in Slack as it will vary according to the leasing pool you use too.

This is a brilliant post @thecryptofiend! Now there's a platform for ICO's! This Crypto tunnel just gets deeper every day for me.

It is good just be careful to make sure you only invest or buy tokens that have the green check mark as those are verified.

More valuable advice, thank you so much @thecryptofiend. Following and Upvoted.

I agree my friend!

Steem is in the same situation

Great artikel..



Thanks a million for very polished and easy to understand explanation about Waves and cryptocurrrency in general..i picked you to follow first for a really good primer on using Markdown and will be eager to learn more from your posts.kudos to you my friend

You're welcome:)

Holding potential competitors to Ethereum such as waves or EOS is a good hedging bet. The main ideas of ethereum (smart contracts, crowdfunding platform) has the potential to be huge. But just in case Ether turn out not to be the one, it's probably not a bad idea to hold some of the lower market-caps runner-ups as insurance : )

Always a good idea to spread your risk that way which is why I have all three and more if they arise:)

Seems like I have no other option then blindly believe, your articles about such things are the only ones I understand at least on about 20%:) But since you point of view is quite optimistic I'll better choose to believe it;)

Good to see my friend "riding the waves". Sadly am a steem addict for now.

Very nice post dear friend Up&Resteem


My pleasure dear friend :)

Thanks for your oppinion on Waves. I've just bought some :)

Awesome piece, you made me want to check Waves out further. Cheers

Cool. Always do your own research though (I'm sure you will but I just like to say it in case anyone else is reading).

Yes I always do, but appreciate you saying it. Cheers!

I agree. And also Steem is undervalued.

For sure:) If Litecoin is worth 40+ with very little actual uses right now (other than speed vs Bitcoin) then Steem should be worth more.

@logic you are right its pretty time to get more steem too,followed check me out @detycoon

Thank you for this write-up. Your argument is compelling. I'm tempted to buy a few now.

How does leasing work, or more to the point, how profitable and how risky is it?

Basically you just click a button in the wallet and enter the address of the leasing pool. As for returns you are best off asking that in bitcointalk or Slack as I haven't been monitoring the returns that closely - seems quite small right now but then I only recently put a decent amount of Waves in the wallet. There are also the Waves community tokens which get paid out according to your stake every month and entitle you to a certain proportion of ICO tokens.

I see. Thank you for the elaboration.

I'm still learning about this stuff. You're post is very informative and helpful. Thank you for this:)

Cool glad you found it useful!

Wow I'm likening the way you compared waves to crypto, I see it everyday but never really analyzed it that way . Crypto is the future , and we should all learn more about it now when we have time. Appreciate you teaching me something new. Took notes :) @thecryptofiend

Wave is a kind of cryptocurrency to explode and that time will come soon... Investing on this will be worth in the long run I believe this will ascend very soon.

Yes it should.

I agree, I'd recommend Waves rather than Ethereum for anyone who wants to create a simple token.

Well it is an advantage and a disadvantage as it could result in making it easier to make spam tokens and scams.

You can request a green checkmark for official tokens, but I'm not sure what the criteria are.

Yes you need to contact them in the slack with certain information to verify. I saw a link for it at some point.

Wasn't really even aware of Waves, appreciate the info. I may grab some of this, after I do a little of my own research first of course ;-)

Of course:)

P.S. - Liked the looks of the chart the other day so grabbed some Waves, nothing big 25 coins. Chart is behaving nicely thus far.

Hmm, another intriguing crypto. Aside from BTC & Steem, i have had the chance to look up and study (with my very limited knowledge) other cryptos. You shed me some light @thecryptofiend. Thank you so much! :)

And a nice, attentive pup you have there. ;)

You're welcome. Yes that puppy is really cool!

Inspired by the cryptomonnaie NXT, WAVES is a new platform, developed from scratch, whose goal is to become for the colored corners what ETH is becoming for scripting. We are a group of developers and businessmen who have been involved in the NXT community for a long time and we want to use this experience and expertise to offer you a robust and flexible platform focused on crowdfunding, community project funding, open development Source and also to establish a connection between these projects and traditional payment systems.

I like it, we discussed this the other day on your waves painting post LOL.

Waves always are up and down in and out of the Crypto ocean!

Yes it is a metaphor for the rises and falls of the markets too!

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Nice to hear that @pipes,followed ,endeavor to check me out @detycoon

Thanks you for the info about WAVE! I think I should buy it now.

Well do some research yourself first don't just believe me.

Most of my internet money are on Waves too... even if it's price stay the same (or became lower, not much lower). I won't mind because I like the platform so much!!

@ahmadmaga me too just obsessed with the platform,followed check me out @detycoon take care

Glad to have fellow waves obessed guy on steemit

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