
@moonjelly Yes that seems to be the case having spoken to people who claim to be in the know. The problem is Poloniex no longer comment publicly on coin adds due to the Supercoin fiasco from 2014.

The main reason WAVES full open source code has been delayed is to ensure security.

If it does what it intends to do the amounts of money involved will dwarf anything so far in crypto and that will create a big target for hacks and exploits.

Also Poloniex will take some time to add because they will have to do their own independent audit. WAVES is based on Scorex - a completely new platform. They may also need to get some legal advice due to the specifics of how WAVES will function.

In the end the wait will be worth it if it avoids a DAO like disaster.

That's a very legit reason.

If that's the case then it's a wise approach I would say, plenty of past exchange attacks came from bugs on shitcoins, well at least that's what the Cryptsy guy said ;)