Hodling BTC, LTC, OKcash, Ripple, BATA, Strat, SiaCoin, ETC, and Waves. Slowly sodling all other bags. This has been an incredible run :) but I'm pretty bearish in all other markets. I've been around long enough to see how quick these markets change.
I have been buying small dips though, and turning them right back over and trading BTC volatility as well. It's made for some really fun trading :)
Hopeful people are reading your comments, you know I love hearing from you man, you are a #CryptoDADDY
TY for stopping in again!!!
Thanks man :) You're always so welcoming :) Love talking crypto. Not really meant as advice, just saying what I'm doing. Everyone has to do their own thing. I enjoy your posts and the engagement you get. It's always interesting to see what everyone else is thinking on these topics too.
You already know this but for new people reading daily--- this guy when I was complete crypto noob like some of you -- took time to make good comments and help me learn. You are seeing this again tonite and good good people are hard to find friends!
And that's why He's The Dood.
Love you man, have a great week my friend.
You rock brother! Thanks :)
My 3 milestone-post went up today too!
Thanks for the comments and the support! Finish the week strong my man.
Updated this post accordingly just now for you LOL