Everybody believes the talent of India's and there are no two opinions in it because hundreds of engineers of India are working in every major IT company all around the globe. There are some who have been working all over the world and Saharanpur's 16 year old Harshita is also among them.
Harshita Arora's has made an iPhone app which has become one of the most preferred paid apps. Harshita's Paid App on App Store tells about the change in the value of more than 1000 crypto cones. This app was launched by Harshita on 28th January this year and it became a hit in such a short time.
Harshita dropped out at the age of 14 because she did not have time for common courses. In a conversation with the correspondent on Friday, Harshita said that fundamentals have already been cleared. She says, "I do not underestimate education in India but these common courses are not for me. My computer teacher introduced me to a new world of technology. What I want to do will not be found in the present teaching system. Computer should also be given importance in schools. '
Harshita had heard about the first Bitcoin cryptocurrency in 2016. From then on, he started reading about the method of working bitcoin mining and cryptocurrency. It was not easy journey at all. People thought that if a girl develops the app at such a young age, then she will not be able to run it.
thanks for bitcoin information!
सुपरस्टीम इंडिया आपकी इस पोस्ट को रेण्डम तरीके से अपवोट कर रहे है और फॉलो भी करते है।
आइये कोरिया, इटली और रशिया की तरह स्टीमइट पर भारतीयों की कम्युनिटीको मज़बूत करे।
इस के लिए आप सुपरस्टिम इंडिया को फॉलो करे और हमारे रिस्टीम किये हर पोस्ट को अवश्य लाइक करे.

main bhi apke sath hoon