Excellent video ...But you forgot to list the exchanges its on!
Plus how many to Masternodes!
Then Lambos & unicorns!!!
Do your homework folks..
So many "earth shattering technologies" that some coins promise.
Its a plethora of false promise.
And the new "hot" thing is get masternodes.
If you see some of these coins on those masternode lists...
i think to myself...If its worth shit now...And be worth shit in a few months...
then why would i want more of it in the future (besides operate a laptop 24/7 to do so)
Watch one of the shills actually post a video (Revain to the MOON!!!) on YT....(that's the scary part)
And yeah Revain wont be upvoting this review...(scariest part is this coin is in the top 50)
Good way to break up the BTC downturn ...especially since its heading to 8500
Have a great weekend @cryptovestor