The next 11 days provides ONE time unique opportunity to became a PARTNER of EFIN DECENTRALIZED EXCHANGE. PARTNERS share 62% of the revenue of the Exchange. Partners are literally paid while other people trade. There is a limited offer to become a partner. To find out more, visit this website: The video below provides details about the EFIN DECENTRALIZED EXCHANGE
The EFIN Decentralized Exchange has the look and feel of centralized exchanges (like Binance), that you might have gotten used to.
Other benefits: Not withstanding the fact that you will get paid as a partner while others trade, if you ever choose to trade, as a partner you are not charge fees. MOST IMPORTANTLY, WHENEVER YOU TRADE, YOU NEVER EXPOSE YOUR ASSETS TO HACKERS LIKE IT IS THE CASE WITH CENTRALIZED EXCHANGES. The image below summarized the problem EFIN is attempting to solve
1.6 BILLION USD WORTH OF CRYPTO ASSETS WERE STOLEN FROM SIXTEEN (16) CENTRALIZED CRYPTO-EXCHANGES BETWEEN 2014 AND 2019. Personally I am a victim of both the Bitfinex and Cryptopia hacks. Bitfinex compensation was nothings less of joke. Cryptopia - fingers crossed, if what they have said so far, is anything to go by, I will recover all tokens. Some of my tokens are currently still locked up in Cryptopia exchange. EFIN gives hope that this will never happen to their clients, because their clients never give way their token private keys to to the exchange.
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