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RE: Narrative (NRV) - This Steemit-killer based on NEO looks amazing! 🤯

The distribution of the rewardpool is just so skewed on Steemit, and it's only getting worse as time progresses it feels like.

It might feel that way but the numbers do not bear it out. The Whales percentage of the whole is continually declining. My post this morning was an update on the numbers...Initially I compared a 90 day period from Oct 25 to Jan 25 and then to Jan 31 and then to yesterday.

All bear the same results...Whales, as a percentage of the entire ecosystem, have less MVest than they did a at each interval. This follows a post I read where someone analyzed it over the past year...if memory serves me, I believe the Whales were down 7.5% over that year.

The system is designed to spread the wealth to the newer people. The sheer numbers of new people after the hard fork should accelerate things. Since a great deal of the reward pool goes to content creators, the number of people who will be posting will simply overwhelm the Whales. We have 60K active users with about 30K posting article...image those number tenfolded.....

The dilution of the reward pool will make it tough for them to keep their holding.

A whale flops around in a pond, it causes a big does it in the ocean and nobody notices. We are still in the pond phase here.....the ocean is just around the corner if we see some of the developments that were discussed on here.

But we both agree on the main point, we will try both out...we arent shy. 😀