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RE: The battle for the name "Bitcoin" escalates / IOTA joins MOBI; Start of IOTA Ecosystem

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

Here we go again. Very Wrong Ver -- and his enured followers are pretty mad that anyone would challenge their underhanded tactics.

The thrust of the lawsuit isn't just the use of the camped .com domain, but the way Very Wrong Ver uses deceptive naming tactics to dupe newbies into his personal ego-project. There were changes made in response to the lawsuit recently, (But since there are archives of the original, it doesn't matter), which indicates Very Wrong Ver is completely aware of his actions.

The whole reference to "Core" is a technique used to create artificial tribalisms and alliances. Bitcoin Core is a reference client, it runs on a users machine as a wallet interacting with the Blockchain. If Very Wrong Ver was going to use the same naming convention consistently, he'd refer to his project as "Bitcoin ABC" which is the client they currently have.

In any case, its just meant to sow discord and confusion. Much like a sleazy car salesmen, Very Wrong Ver hopes that the new user doesn't look too closely, and by the time they have asked him to send some "Bitcoin" -- they'll realize they only have the altfork BCH instead.

This is called fraud, in many countries and jurisdictions -- as Very Wrong Ver is about to find out.

What is interesting is that his devoted fans don't question his tactics - or if they do, they only dig in their heels when challenged -- because of the tribalism nature of his group dynamics and naming conventions.

It should be fascinating to see the narrative shatter, because Very Wrong Ver has a history of overstepping the bounds of the law, since technically he is an ex-convict.

BCH, BCash, whatever you call it -- is simply a vehicle for Very Wrong Ver to perpetuate his own schemes to enrich himself, exposing the worst side of humanity.


If Very Wrong Ver was going to use the same naming convention consistently, he'd refer to his project as "Bitcoin ABC" which is the client they currently have.

No, because Cash was already chosen as a differentiator. Using BitcoinABC ignores the fact that there is no official client, as there is in Bitcoin SL "Core".

That's the naming convention he's using.

Anyways, I'm done debating you today. It's not about Ver in the end. I'm not a "devoted fan",0 so maybe my criticism doesn't count? It's you guys who try to make it about him, Jihan, faketoshi or anyone else that's controversial so that you can guilt by association.

BCH is more than a simple pump and dump scam, as I'm sure anyone sensible in space who has followed this for a longer amount of time can agree by now.

I see you tried your own version of censoring by downvoting me -- how Very Wrong Ver of you.

If you were done, you wouldn't have replied :)

The basic facts are -- no transaction volume to speak of --

A liar for a spokesman/CEO that doesn't understand the legality of his fraudulent actions

And finally - legions of people who have been taken in by his erroneous arguments, encouraging him to attack Bitcoin through his ego-project.

How proud you must be.

If you were done, you wouldn't have replied :)

If I change my mind, I'll keep replying.

I voted my opinion using my own personal stake on Steem. That's my right and certainly not very powerful "censorship", no matter how you slice it.

Nobody gets selectively banned from using Steem simply to motivate or demotivate opinions that some highly influential moderator has decided on and you can always review what happened on the actual blockchain.

I just find it hilarious that you're talking about censorship, but you turn around and do something hypocritical like that.

Is this something endemic to your thought processes?

Is this why Very Wrong Ver resonates with you so deeply?

I'd be more concerned that you identify with a known liar and cheat, instead of what I'm typing.

Not really seeing the hypocrisy... Did I ban you?

Playing the fool, I see.

You know exactly how the influence of a higher-ranked user works, and you exercise it.

But what else would I expect from someone who follows Very Wrong Ver's line of thinking.


Playing the fool, I see.

So you noticed.

You know exactly how the influence of a higher-ranked user works, and you exercise it.

But what else would I expect from someone who follows Very Wrong Ver's line of thinking.

Now it almost seems like you're opinion of Ver is improving. (Or perhaps just your opinion of those that understand how the platform works worsened.)