The crypto movement in the last two months has indeed been very surprising and very wow for crypto millionaires. But what's so great about it is where the price movement starts and which Exchange makes the crypto price increase ...!
From the chart above, it is clear that they came from a great Exchange. The top three exchanges that have influenced the soaring crypto prices. What I think is how the movement in Indodax, namely Legal Exchange in Indonesia and also here #hive is traded, it can be in the 3rd position which makes the crypto movement increase. This is good news that Indonesia can become the world's greatest cryptocurrency.
[Bahasa Indonesia]
Pergerakan crypto di dua bulan terakhir memang sangat mengejutkan dan wow sangat untuk para jutawan crypto. Namun yang sangat hebatnya dari hal tersebut dimanakah datangnya pergerakan harga di mulai dan di Exchange mana yang membuat harga crypto neningkat...!
Dari grafik diatas, terlihat jelas mereka datang dari Exchange hebat. Tiga exchange teratas yang banyak mempengaruhi melonjaknya harga crypto. Yang menjadi saya kepikiran bagaimana pergerakan di Indodax yaitu Exchange Legal Di Indonesia dan juga disini #hive di perdagangkan, bisa berada berada di posisi 3 terbesar yang membuat pergerakan crypto meningkat. Sunggu ini adalah sebuah berita bagus bahwa indonesia bisa menjadi dunia cryptocurrency terhebat.
Thank you for reading my blog,
Untill next time on hive,
@suheri Aceh
The source image below is TheTerminal Assets and Gif created by me.

Untill next time on hive,
@suheri Aceh
The source image below is TheTerminal Assets and Gif created by me.