To most mainstream developers, this post might seem a bit out of place. To us, however, it makes perfect sense. more and more, we've been interested in pursuing blockchain-based projects; not sure where we'll go yet, though a Steem witness sounds very appealing in our current state right now. We'll keep you updated for that when and if it happens.
Stormlighttech Facebook Page, and Twitter Stormlighttech on Twitter.The point we're focusing on today is that of accessibility and how it fits into the increasingly decentralized world. With decentralization also comes a lack of standards by our reckoning, and that is something that needs to be worked on. Not saying that there needs to be a "ADA for blockchain", but something does need to be done to ensure that people of all abilities can participate in decentralized applications, especially if they are taking a stab at moving into the world of business. Not everything needs to be on blockchain; directory services, for instance, always need to be centralized, otherwise that would produce more chaos than the IT sector could stand, but for the things that are, more accessibility standards need to be created or expanded upon. One suggestion would be to ensure that web interfaces for decentralized applications comply with WCAG 2.0, just like their centralized counterparts do. After all, WCAG affords more rules than does ADA Section 508. Particular groups of interest are @esteem and @steemitbloggers. If interested in beginning a dialogue on this subject, feel free to reach out to us up here; we're also on Keybase, team Stormlighttech, Facebook