Cryptocurrencies Are The Craft Beers of Money

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)


Remember in the past when you went to a liquor store in the US, and all they had was Budweiser and other flavorless crappy beers?

Now when you go to get beer at those same liquor stores, you’re lucky if you can even decide on a beer brand. The variety of beers has exploded and brought small breweries to everyone’s backyard. The monocultured beer era is over and the craft beer revolution has blossomed, bringing with it unique flavors, small batches and immense variety.

I think the same thing that happened to Budweiser is happening to money.

Source: Budweiser website

After being immersed in cryptocurrencies for more than a year solid, I can never think about the US dollar in the same way again. Every time I ask my daughter what currency she wants to be paid in (she’s my assistant at my newly launched Bitcoin School KC), I remind her that if I pay in her US Dollars, her money won’t grow. But I tell her if she gets paid in Bitcoin, her money will have the chance to grow, maybe even double, triple or quadruple (or more) in the future.

Money now comes in different flavors, textures, philosophies, meanings and styles.

The most amazing part of digital currency is that it’s programmable. Money has rules, purposes and can represent ideas, futuristic concepts, solutions to problems that have plagued humans since humans began. And it is created according to mathematical rules, not arbitrary decisions by governments.

Digital money has become inextricably weaved into the fabric of ideas. You cannot separate a digital coin from the philosophical foundation on which it rests. (Shitcoins are the only exception.) Money is now alive and we are all free to choose which kind of programmable money we love. I’m a blogger/vlogger/writer, so my crypto beer of choice is Steem.


I feel sad every time I have to convert any cryptocurrency into US Dollars. Converting to dollars means that my precious coins die, and they have no more chances of growing, doubling or fulfilling a mission.

Converting my Bitcoin to Dollars feels the exact same as buying a can of crappy Budweiser beer. There’s no flavor, no philosophy, no depth, no chance for it to delight anyone. There’s not even a good chance of getting high from it. It’s common, flat and boring, a monoculture of the mind.

I was never really interested in money before I discovered Bitcoin.

Having an unhealthy attachment to money always seemed like a disease to me. I was interested in ideas more than anything else prior to 2016. I had a bad opinion of people who were filthy rich so people like Zuckerberg didn’t really impress me. Inventors, writers, artists and visionaries were the ones I admired more than anyone. Creators always seemed to be the most important people for society and the planet.

Now, I have an entirely different outlook on money, solutions, technology, the future and the connection between abundance and cryptocurrency. This is mainly because I am in a much better financial situation than I have ever been in my entire life.

I finally have time to think instead of rushing around like a chicken with its head cut off and Bitcoin (via Steem) is responsible for that shift.

I believe that different cryptocurrency coins are acting like a huge redistribution of wealth and this trend will most likely just continue growing. This summer was the first time in history that ICO fundraising surpassed that of Venture Capital, in terms of total funds:

Goldman Sachs ICOs.jpg

And the connections between abundant ideas, nature and cryptocurrency definitely exists. Nature continues on in a very organic way without human intervention. No one controls the thunderstorms (yet). Nature is open-source. So are our ideas. The explosion of craft beers points to the fact that humans love diversity and different flavors over one generic type.

It is only the tiny beatings of Grinch-sized hearts that have stifled the flow of money and refused to let open-source become the norm.

Scarcity has been programmed into our existing system, in order to keep those in power continually in power at any cost. In short, I see now with clear eyes, that the system is indeed rigged. I had always suspected it was, but now that I am officially out of the matrix, I am living proof that the corporate cog system is antithetical to freeing the human mind.

I spent the last 7 years attempting to get free and failed.

Freedom for me means being able to cultivate ideas without interference from a “job”. Jobs to me were too one-dimensional and boring. I always over-performed at most of my jobs and generally received good raises, but I was never satisfied. I felt that there was no job for my overly curious mind.

I tried everything including entrepreneurship.

Basically, it boiled down to this:

I sucked at building a “personal brand” because at heart, I am not a marketer, but an idea person.
Self-help gurus gave me advice:

Stick to your “niche”.
Always create brand awareness.
Stay on message.
Be consistent with your “brand.”

The idea that a human can be reduced to a ‘brand’ is a repulsive thought.

None of those self-help gurus understood me and who I really am. It is the discovery and sharing of brand-new ideas that is my greatest passion in life. I am not stingy with my ideas, for I have no fear of them running out.

It turns out that my “brand” is a constantly shifting set of new ideas that are shared with others. So, Steemit is an ideal platform for what I want to accomplish in life and cryptos move at lightning speed, which I love. You see, my plans always involved this one thing which regular entrepreneurship didn’t include: the gift economy.

Variety and diversity are aligned perfectly with my mode of abundance and diversity thinking. Ideas are abundant within us. Money should be equally abundant, diverse, purpose-oriented and infused with ideas.

Money without ideas is set to go extinct.

When I hold a $5 bill in my hand, I feel no pulse, no purpose.


Once you get immersed in cryptocurrency, you will soon realize that the “real world”, (or Matrix) sets humans up for failure on a massive scale. We are the only species that hoard wealth to an extreme degree. There is of course hoarding of cryptocurrency, and it doesn’t solve the greed problem overnight, but I have seen with my own eyes and own life how the redistribution of wealth could change the world in profound ways. If slaves become economically stable, there will be no good reason for them to risk their lives working in sweatshops. Slaves could potentially become free.

In the past and recent times, money has been the thing that doesn’t follow nature’s design of abundance. Well, that is beginning to shift. And it will continue to shift, too.

The idea that money can become a vast and infinite variety of fascinating ideas is why I am interested in cryptocurrency. Well, I’ll be honest, if I hadn’t discovered cryptocurrency, I’d still be in massive debt and probably just barely scraping by. Decentralized economies are a better fit for my personality than centralized ones. Why? Because I am an independent thinker who doesn’t like to be bossed around, and who also doesn’t enjoy bossing others around. Centralized authority hierarchies are at odds with my innate personality.

I prefer to wade in the sea of fascinating and sparkling new digital coins because they represent a lot more than just money. They are the true embodiment of revolutionary ideas.


Cryptocurrency is like Christmas every day for idea freaks.

Here are some coins I’m currently studying (not yet investing in) and links to best resources:

short: Smart Contract Blockchain Operating System
official website:

short: A Chinese Ethereum
Read this article by Daniel Jeffries before you do anything:
Oddly, I couldn’t connect to NEO’s website at the time of writing this article.

short: Decentralized Virtual Reality
official website:

short: Tangle for the Internet of Things
official website:

I no longer day trade cryptocurrencies. Instead, I focus my time on researching new coins and investing in the ones I think are valuable or solve something that has not yet been solved. I’m in the long-term game.

This article was first published on Medium:

About the author:
Stellabelle is a writer, entrepreneur and blockchain flâneur. Connect with her on Steemit. Her first book, Un-crap Your Life is now available on Amazon. (I looked at Peerplays today, but was wondering if there is any other Steem marketplace?)


If you haven't voted for @teamsteem as a Witness, please consider doing so today. Also submit your video to my Steemfest2 Giveaway soon. Deadline is Aug. 31! Go here to learn how to submit your entry for a free paid trip to Steemfest2:


We can buy beer to have party and pay with steem lol

This post received a 2.8% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @mountrock! For more information, click here!

Hello @stellabelle

Just like you said money without purpose is bound to get extinct.

There have been a lot of ICO's lately and for some of the coins does not have a definite purpose they are mostly going to be pumped and dumped.

That is one of the reason I love Steem a lot of my people from my country who see the amount of Steem I hold in my wallet tell me that I would lose it. That it is better for me to sell and hold the money in fiat.

Someone even went as far as comparing Steem to Mooncoin.

In my opinion cryptocurrency has great power, for now most people are only interested in trading it to make money, but I feel its greatest application comes when it is used to solve Human problems, that gives it a purpose.

A dollar invested in Bitcoin seven years ago is now worth 1.4 million dollars, but big companies like Apple who provide goods that offer people utility makes billions of dollars a year.

Focusing only on the monetary aspect of cryptocurrency won't do anybody good. We have seen billionaires like Buffet and Gates give away huge sums of Money.

Money without purpose makes you feel empty and the sooner people realize that the better.

Thanks for sharing this.


thanks for your insightful comments.

Great content and amazing pictures :)

Hello @stellabelle! As always a great read from you , clear and easy to understand your point!
Could not stop myself to share this with you as we are in a little bit in the Beer topic!


Another good read thanks to you my dear @stellabelle , upped . Blockchain technology and AI are here to stay in the long run and will rule technological innovation. Thanks goodness that we are part of the blockchain technology. I am passionate about steem and its ecosystem-I posted about steem few hours ago, feel free to see it nd send in your constructive suggestions. Thanks and more success to you.

I guess everyone nowadays would only want to get paid in USD and have no substantial growth to their money. If anything it will keep depreciating like we have seen with the dollar as it keeps getting slaughtered in its downtrend.

The thing I like about digital coins is that they only gain value due to their idea and concept and the blockchain is completely transparent. We always see market manipulation happening with the USD as the Federal Reserve try to distort facts to increase the value of the dollar.

Bitcoin and the crypto markets definitely made me more interested in money. I used to have no care in the world which is, of course, harmful to your financial future if you stay short-sighted.

A $5 bill in true essence has now worth and that statement will become a reality as this broken system continues to decline as people see that basing an economic system on debt doesn't work and we can see that with how the Global Economy is in shambles.

People will start adopting this system and at the moment this FUD is caused by a paradigm shift and many people would rather stick to the old system rather than adopting this new one @stellabelle

What a brilliant analogy and well written article! The Aug 1st hardfork forced my to learn and grow myself off of Coinbase, and since then I've self-taught myself how to research and buy similar to what you've described... HODLing over a dozen alts now.

I wrote labout memories The way I found you About what makes me easy Give my heart to you There will be no more than a million songs To tell you your beautiful It's a very long poem To write this love It's over already love this No more left for the world Because I spent it The rest of my love is just for you I've been thinking about My life without you Can be more beautiful than What I've been up to now I'm dreaming about Beautiful old days with you Keep your beautiful long hair Although it will not be black anymore When it's over this time No longer stands on the world I've spent it The rest of my life is just for you And have run out already this love No more left for the world Because I spent it The rest of my love is just for you For you Life and death When the season changes Until time stops Although the world hates I stay right here When it's over this time No longer stands on the world I've spent it The rest of my life is just for you It's over already love this No more left for the world Because I spent it The rest of my love is just for you Because I spent it The rest of my love is just for you

Nice post and i like post you @stellabelle

Freedom is the path to happiness! FIAT currencies are bound to fall one day and cryptos will be the only currencies. I feel the same way when I need to convert my cryptos to FIAT currency. It feels as I just bought something expensive but it has barely any value or potential...

I feel like cryptocurrency is the future of all currency. I honestly don't talk with anyone about the US dollar. Ever since my brother introduced me to the crypto world , that's all we talk about now . As this platform grows , Steem will be the next big thing , I know it . That's why I decided to hold onto it .

I have not met anyone that has heard about Steem around NYC so it is ghreat to educate others on crtpto and Steem , it feels good to know something and spread knowledge . This is great knowledge because it could benefit them as well .

Look at the BTC when it started and look at it now , same goes for Steem how it was .17 last bear now it struggles a little over $1.

It doesn't mean we should chase anything because money is the root to all evil and if the government starts to see that this is big , they will ruin this as well. Just have to go with the flow

Personally, I speak of steemit every day and with everyone, even people who have never used the computer find it fun to listen to me, I hope that this community will grow quickly.

Thank you @stellabelle for this brilliant post. I only began seriously looking into cryto only a week ago, although, I did hear about bitcoin back in 2010. And trying to understand what cryto is and how it works is becoming more clearer as I am learning more from people like yourself. Great analogy btw, and I also love the different better choices of beer we now have.

Absolutely great writing. I am with you !!!

Great article! I've been a freelancer most of my life and sometimes it was a struggle. Sometimes I just got tired of the hustle. This is a great platform for me to write about whatever I want. (And hope someone will read it, LOL!)
Just be careful of those seemingly 'craft' brews that are secretly produced by Bud, etc.. lol!

oh yes its most definatly the craft beer of money xD craft beer is AMAZING

That's how I got into crypto - craft beer :D

After I got burned I also think more in the line of long term.

Well, between a Bitcoin Beer and a Steem Jack Daniel's, I would choose Jack Daniel's :>

I can do relate to your wonderful post. Indeed, everyday feels like Christmas, better even!

I always had a hard time fitting into the system. Luckily, I was able to support myself with my entrepreneurial adventures. I was never seeking after money, but instead, the freedom that came with being my own boss and being able to set my own schedule.

Now, I find myself obsessed by all the new ideas. Decentralization resonates with me and has for some time now!

Keep on keeping on!

Since that I learn about the importance of Bitcoin I always wanted to invest.Now I already have a chance I take my opportunity to invest at Bitcoin and hold some bitcoin for long period of time.While Im still keep on studying about other cryptos.I have a lot more to know from your post and Im glad that I been here.

Great article!

now I'm having huge cravings to drink beer

Wow just absolutely mesmerising , thanks for such a great article and links to boot. Good to see you got so many votes !

You're absolutely correct- crypto is literally redefining what money IS.

Fantastic post by the way and extremely undervalued if you ask me. They should be republishing your writing in literary journals. Maybe one day :)!

I like your coin picks. I'm personally invested in EOS and NEO. Not expecting much from EOS until Christmas, but like the project and Dan Larimer. NEO though, might come out swinging very soon.

Followed and thanks for your insight. Shockingly similar to my own, but that's to be expected in the crypto realm. All of the smartest free thinkers are buying the next world for pennies and that excites me so much. We're distributing the wealth of the next world somewhat evenly to the smartest innovators from all demographics. I think that's a recipe for actual freedom.

Here's to a world populated by many smaller independant pyramids, instead of the single oppressive pyramid we've all been living under until now. Watching it crumble is quite a spectacle.

You are the first Steemian whoms post I look out for :) What you've written in this article I couldn't have written it better for sure even if our stories have similarities at some point.

In my lifetime i've worked for 1 employer. He was my first and my last one.

I've been awake from the Matrix since 1990 and I am never going back and when Bitcoin was introduced I knew that things would never be the same :)

Keep up the good work @stellabelle! Newbies like me are learning a lot because of your efforts:)

I live in Tampa, and while I don't drink much, I do "get" what you are saying 100%. You can't throw a stone in my town without hitting a micro-brewery.

I think in that sense the world is like Tampa, only instead of beer, it's crypto, and sooner or later people are going to wake up and realize their fiat/cash is trash.

I too am watching certain crytps. BCH intrigues me, not just because of it's success, but because it seems to have kept the "soul" of Satoshi. That is to say, bitcoin is supposed to be, first and foremost--digital CASH.

Speaking of digital cash, DASH is still one of my favorites, as they seem very sincere about making crypto accessible to all and that is vital to knocking the globalist fiat currencies off their thrones.

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bitcoin and created has been created to bring equality and peace to the word

Sera genial cuando podamos comprar absolutamente todo en nuestro mercado con las criptomonedas! gracias por el post!

Great post that had me laughing. My wife always pokes fun that I am always chasing a new beer from a new brewery, and why I just don't settle on one type and be happy with it. Meanwhile, she is very into Crypto and talks to me about a new ICO every week that we need to get in on. Did not even make the correlation until now...they are pretty similar!