🐟 Move over CryptoKitties... FISHBANK is Here!

in #cryptocurrency β€’ 7 years ago (edited)


Well that didn't take long...

It was just 1 month ago we were all abuzz over the first virtual crypto pet game to go viral - CryptoKitties. Fast forward just 30 days and we are on the eve of a crypto pet showdown of food chain proportions.

So CryptoKitties were cute, but in the end kinda useless beyond the limited purpose of acting as a digital art representation of an Ethereum token. The only "interaction" was a behind the scenes mating ritual to create new kittens from eggs (?), go figure.

We all had our fun taking shots at the platform for choosing to use the slow-as-balls and non-scalable Ethereum network as the backbone currency for the virtual pets... MEMEs were made, money was lost, good times!

Now there are a bunch of new virtual pet projects under development that are starting to be released this month, and surprisingly, after all the headaches caused by the Ethereum network, they are all still choosing to go that route. Looks like we will be stuck trying to explain Gas Fees to our moms so they can keep a collection of digital cats and fish for the foreseeable future.

Fishbank is Here! ( BY INVITE ONLY )

Shameless referral link = http://my.fishbank.io/go/25620

⭐ You need to use an invite link at the moment - so click mine LOL.

Just as I took some time to test the CryptoKitties project, I will dive into Fishbank to see how this one all works and share what I find about its potential advantages over the Kitties.


This project seems to have taken the digital pet theme a few steps further, allowing a deeper level of interaction between them.

Grow, fight and trade your predatory fish champion in the new blockchain game!

Every fish is an ERC-721 crypto token stored on the Ethereum blockchain.

Digital asset 100% owned by the player. It can be managed like a regular cryptocurrency β€” transferred or sold to any other player. It cannot be destroyed, removed or replaced.

unt other fish and take a bite of them to increase your fish weight and reach top of the global leaderboards. Trade your winning fish for a better one and grow another champion!

It looks like you will need to take care of your fish to keep them in good health to ensure a high $ value when selling or trading

Take a look and get started during the pre-launch invite period.


⭐ Good thing is , you sign up with an invite link (please use mine) then when you refer 3 people you will get a free fish to start... so no money risk to get in on this one early to try it.

Yeah, it will be on Ethereum, but I suppose we can have some "SLOW MOTION" fun until they finally build one on STEEM or EOSIO.

The facts from http://blocktivity.info @blocktivity

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@steempowerpics it is always a joy to see what happens........

I think the creators of fishbank didn't learn from the cryptokitties why they run it as well on the Ethereum blockchain lolz.
When my game is finish I run it for sure not on Ethereum blockchain I am thinking more to run it on EOS blockchain and people can use the Bitshares wallet to store.

Agreed - it would have been so much better off to have been built on STEEM even, just so the end-user did not have to worry about calculating complex gas/fee schedules etc. Not to mention the transactions would be nearly instant. That in itself makes the user experience so much better.

Looking forward to your future creation.

Yup totally agree but it's good for me and my project let them all run there games on Ethereum blockchain lol.

Yes as soon it's finish and running I let you know ;)

Same opinion here as what @danyelk says
. Why arent they learning anything from the kitty experience stilll leaving it on the ethereum blockchain.

For me ready a reason not to start fishing today!

Good thing is at least while it's in the invite only pre-launch phase you can sign up by the invite link ( I shamelessly put mine here )😝, then refer 3 people and get one for free to start - so no investment risk at the moment.

So you can earn crypto money for raising fish?

Yeah, pretty much. Like virtual pets. At the moment it is in the "invite only" pre-launch, so you need a referral link (shameless plug) -- then once you sign up , you invite 3 people and get a free fish to start. So at least there is no risk at this point.

CryptoKitties broke Ethereum. Solution: make hundreds of games like CryptoKitties!

On the plus side, it is good to see more widespread use of the Ethereum blockchain. Maybe highlighting the scaleability issues will motivate Vitalik et al to fix them.

:-) We can only hope! Or maybe some will start developing DApps to run on STEEM or EOSIO in the future.

The slow motion part really hits the nerve :)

Sure does - hoping they make one on a DPoS chain.

I have a loose acquaintance that made $200k USD off of cryptokitties. Absolute insanity. Wondering if that was a one-time thing or people will start going wild for blockchain-based digital collectibles...

The concepts are great, and are a good way to help bring crypto to the mainstream public if they do it right. The only people making anything in Kittyland were those who had liquid ETH to jump in the first week and understood how to trade with gas/fees etc. The average user coming in later got stuck with a flood of late generation tokens (Kitties) that have lost so much value in the last month they would be sold at a loss.

Hopefully, each new collectible-style game will nudge closer to a level buy-in playing field and be easier to use for the average person.

Yeah, 100%. Pretty wild. I'm waiting for the crypto Pokemon ;)

Yep, it's interesting. I will give them each a try and see how they all work compared to each other.

I have a common alpha fish. And you?

Yes, "1 x Common Alpha Fish" - It will be nice to be able to try this new system without risking "real money" in the beginning.

we will be eaten by whales)))

I've experienced the "take care of the pet" in so many games it's a total money sink. If this requires purchasing more things to keep the fish healthy or maintain an "investment" no thanks.

Yeah, that's the kicker - will it "cost you" to buy food to keep them healthy, etc? I guess we will find out soon enough.

think the fishbank will also be a lovely game too

✨ It does look like it will be far more interactive than CryptoKitties which is great, that should build a better community and value in the investment.

yes for sure

At the moment it is in the "invite only" pre-launch, so you need a referral link (shameless plug)πŸ˜† -- then once you sign up , you invite 3 people and get a free fish to start. So at least there is no risk at this point.

Crytokitties was definitely a single layer game, and im excited to see all the different rendition of these genre evolutionize itself on blockchain technology.

Ive been making mobile games for over 15+ year and just watching industries evolve is such a beautiful thing

Yep - it will be interesting to see how these games evolve over time. We are in the very early stages of this new world.

So besides potential ROI on coins. We now also have to worry about ROI on crypto games? Great now I'm never going to get some peace of mind.

:-) So True lol - soon everything will have fluctuating value.

This will be a good project indeed.
Some cryptocoins achieved great success because of games

I'm confused why you were badmouthing other games on the Ethereum network, and then immediately after said that your game was also on the Ethereum network lol. What was the purpose of including that part in your post?

This is Not my game... the point of the post is how people are continuing to make Apps/DApps for Ethereum knowing full well they will have network issues and complicated fee schedules that will confuse "the general public" and turn them away from these otherwise great "intro to crypto" projects.

These would have been better off on a DPoS chain like STEEM or upcoming EOSIO. If we expect crypto and the associated DApps that come out this year to really go mainstream, they need to have an uncomplicated ease-of-use and quality user experience from the start. Ethereum cannot deliver on that at this point.


Saya mendukung kawan teruslah berinovasi


How do you get invited?

Referral link - http://my.fishbank.io/go/80836
Go through to create an account - get in before 20th of Jan.

The Verification email often gets marked as SPAM so make sure you check in your junk inbox :)

Why would you drop your referral link in my post, if you didn't use mine to sign up? πŸ˜’