Let me start by saying I am aware that its not technically a "Ban". It may as well be a ban if only accredited investors can take part. Our overprotective overbearing big brother government will let anyone spend as much as they can afford on cigarettes, that will kill slowly but surely, or alcohol that impairs judgement and causes thousands of car accidents and health related deaths every year. But I'm not intelligent enough to decide whether or not I want to invest a few dollars in an up and coming company or technology. I'm SURE that the ridiculous taxes paid on the aforementioned items have nothing to do with that. And lets be honest with ourselves, the Wall Street financial community has the deepest of pockets that are full of lobbyists and politicians. It is in the best interest of "Accredited investors" in the U.S. for average citizen to not be able to invest on their own. This causes people to be dependent on "qualified investors" to do their investing for them. This really pisses me off. I'm just a lowly cabinet maker and a single dad. Extra money is foreign to me. If I'm lucky I can put a hundred dollars a week into whatever I choose, some weeks its silver, some weeks its ammunition or emergency food or supplies but, most weeks its crypto. I have been able to invest in a few ICOs on my own but most I am not able to. Even if I use a VPN and can initially buy tokens, if they are on the up and up then they will most likely follow the KYC and AML compliance. That is know your customer and anti money laundering laws. When that happens you must put in all your info and when they realize you are in the U.S. you will forfeit your tokens. So if n I want to take part in an ICO I need to go through an accredited investor. Now, this may shock anyone reading this but, financial investors do not offer their services free of charge. I wouldn't even be able to put all of my measly hundred dollars toward my investment. That is ignoring the fact that any financial investor would laugh you out of their opulently decorated office if you walked in there wanting to invest anything less than a few thousand dollars. I refuse to believe that is because they wouldn't be able to hide how much they are taking with such a small amount to begin with. I'm sure it has more to do with the fact that it just wouldn't be worth their time. to me those two reasons are the same thing. So even though I have been able to turn my initial crypto investment into a 40% gain over just a few months, the government thinks id be better off trusting my money to a Madoff type investor. This is total bullshit. If I want to invest in ICOs I'm being forced to either line the pockets of felonious financial types that I disgust or just miss out on amazing investment opportunities with potential for exponential times gains. I completely understand that there are scam ICOs out there and most ICOs are gonna go bust but, shouldn't I be able to decide for myself if I want to give them my money. In this land of freedom that I can choose to give my life on the battlefield for at the age of eighteen, I cant choose where to invest my own money at the age of thirty-eight. Big brother cares so much about me and my future that they don't want me to lose all my money in bad investments, They want me to make someone else rich while they lose all my money.
I am aware that some of this is ranting. I get fired up. This really bothers me. I am a combat veteran and did put my life on the line for this country and I watched some of my brothers make the ultimate sacrifice. I always get this way around the Marine Corps birthday (today) and Veterans day (tomorrow). My intent is to raise awareness and initiate ideas on how to change this un-American type rule. I'm not sure if petitions would do anything or even how to get one started. I
have to think someone else must be as pissed off about this as I am. maybe someone has something in the works that I am unaware of. All that I know is that we are missing out on golden opportunities every day. it needs to end . Any and all thoughts on how to advance this idea are welcome and invited. Thank yo for taking the time to read this. I will be back working on #Vetsconnect now too so please keep an eye out for future #Vetsconnect posts. Thanks Steemers
I am right with you man. I live in a state that I'm not even supposed to trade or acquire crypto. But I feel that its a threat to my freedom of expression. The reason of the ban is because big banks and financial institutions have no way to control bitcoin much less the blockchain. I use a VPN service and have to very careful walk on eggshells and watch what I say and who I talk to about crypto. For fucks sake I don't even say the word crypto when I'm in public. I feel like I'm living in some suppressed third country. Seriously crypto is the future and people are so blind.
you are absolutely correct about crypto and blockchain being then future. they want to steal the future like they steal everything else. what state are you in China?
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