Nice video @cryptovestor. I like this informal roundup style. It obviously doesn't replace your more in depth analysis vids, but it is a change of pace to fill the gaps.
I am most interested in the gaming piece that you mentioned. I am not much of a gamer myself, but I think it sounds really interesting and is a potential use case where a crypto asset actually provides a benefit and not just a novelty. There are two projects that have caught my eye recently and I'm curious if you've seen/heard anything.
First is World of Ether (full disclosure, that is my affiliate link). At first, I thought it was just like cryptokitties because it shares some fundamental characteristics--you have these creatures and you breed them to create offspring. But I was excited to see that the developers are primarily setting out to create a game. It is still in development, so we'll see if it is any fun to actually play, but it will involve some kind of monster battling. This will level you up which will make your breeding more likely to produce rare and valuable offspring. So you have an incentive to play, not just hold. I am bummed at how expensive it is to get an egg though: .698 eth right now. I have not done a ton of research on the team, but they seem to have a gaming bend.
The other interesting project is PlayTable. Pretty lame name if you ask me, and may be a whole lot of nothing. Personally, playing a regular board game like Settlers of Catan on a tablet sounds like an unnecessary nightmare. But, this idea of having physical game pieces with unique stats that can be used on any board anywhere and securely traded, leveled up, and authenticated is interesting to me.
Not sure if either of these utilize off-chain processing or what is said about gas prices, but I'll leave that to the people much smarter than myself to figure out.