The world population has always been increasing at an amazing rate. It is expected that by 2050 the total population will cross 10billion. Increasing population accounts for increased energy consumption. But, fossil fuels, the most widely used energy source is being depleted at an alarming rate.
It is estimated that at the present rate, these will get exhausted in the coming 50 years.
Studies have showed us that by 2050, we'll need 50% more energy to sustain humanity.
Electricity costs only accounted for about $3 trillion last year with industrial electricity consumption accounting for approximately 40 - 50%. Renewable energy resources being the only hope, but they also faces some serious issues including lack of continuous power supply and higher production costs etc. So, the best possible way is the optimum utilisation of available resources in a wise manner. Researches have shown that proper power consumption can reduce the usage by 10-20% which is indeed a huge one.
ROBOTINA aims at providing an optimum energy usage solutions by incorporating Internet of things, Artificial intelligence, Blockchain technology under a common roof. It is the first blockchain project that uses all the above mentioned technologies at once. It aims to develop smart devices that measures excess energy consumption areas and avoids these wastages. It also aims at creating a connected community, whose members will gain substantial savings in energy costs, generates significant revenue as well as contribute to a greener environment and sustainable development by optimal energy consumption.
Their main benefits includes,
1.) Proper awareness and control for energy management.
2.) Energy savings of about 10-20% and reduced CO2 emissions.
3.) Provides necessary safety in case of emergency situations.
4.) Keeps an updated community book that records real time data's.
5.) Community members can use smart grids to earn money according to their activity.
ROBOTINA is a Slovenian company that was started in 1990 which focuses mainly on innovation in automation and control technology. Their field of development includes Controls in industries, buildings, energy and infrastructure, cloud based software development, IOT devices, Artificial intelligence, machine learning etc. They have good market share in Japan, India and middle East. Recently, ROBOTINA is focusing on development of smart devices and services aiming at improvement in energy efficiency.
ROBOTINA ulility token (ROX) is a utility token that will be used in the ROBOTINA platform. It can be used to secure a 3% discount in the ROBOTINA marketplace.
ROX will be an ERC20 token. ROX tokens will have a total fixed a supply of 815,000,000. ROX tokens holds a variety of use cases including;
1.) Used for ESCO crowdfunding
2.) For community incentives and rewards.
3.) For buying hardware and software within the ROBOTINA marketplace.
4.) As a membership proof.
5.) As a payment method for subscription.
The ROBOTINA public tokensale already started on 21.03.2018 and runs until 30.04.2018. 70% of the total tokens are allocated for the tokensale. They have a fixed softcap/hardcap of $10M/$28.5M. All the tokens will be generated only after the tokensale and unsold tokens will never be created.
The ROBOTINA project is indeed a unique one in the blockchain sphere. It combines multiple technologies under a common roof which aims to achieve a sole goal of energy management. With 28 years of experience in the development of smart devices industry along with a talented team ROBOTINA aims to be a game changer in the Energy management field.