Only normally goes down for an hour or two a day. Just took ages yesterday. Still looking for my niche and learning the ropes, will probably power up then :)
Anyways, ready for another go? :) :) :)
Only normally goes down for an hour or two a day. Just took ages yesterday. Still looking for my niche and learning the ropes, will probably power up then :)
Anyways, ready for another go? :) :) :)
D17, E19 and J32 :)
You really want that deposit for a new car so here you go again.
E19 - You discover some small fossils
J23 - Took hours to dig through this hard rock but all for nothing.
D17 - What's this? Something small, shiny and almost magical ....... A 10 XUN NUGGET WOO HOO!
You have found a nugget. Please reply with your Ultranote address and I will transfer your mining spoils. If you do not want the coins then say so and I will transfer to the Ultranote charity wallet. Feel free to try again tomorrow :)
How did you know i need a new car haha heres my address (i think) just signed up and started mining!
Brilliant. Love new members. I have sent your nugget value and a little present to help you get started ;)
Feel free to use the power up (resteem) for an extra 3 goes or try again tomorrow
It's still syncronising at the moment and it mines REALLY slow on my current PC, is it worth setting up a few GPU rigs rather than kill my CPU? Not done much reading on the XUN currency
Yea, it's really good for GPU mining. I use xmr-stak personally (alpha pool) is the most profitable one for me. The guys in the discord channel are really helpful with any questions setting things up
If you make any more guesses at this game can you start a new reply thread as gets hard to follow when nested too long :)