[Review] WONO - The P2P Marketplace Powered By The Blockchain

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WONO is a Blockchain P2P marketplace for sharing services and self-employment work like freelancing and rentals. It’s a decentralised meeting place for people who offer and take advantage of these sharing and self-employment services. Due to the decentralised aspect, all participants interact with each other entirely without any third instance.

On WONO, users are able to interact freely and transact without requiring anyone facilitating transactions in the middle. This means that freelancers are able to obtain a salary and spend it without having to pay fees or taxes. This is because of the free nature of transactions. WONO’s goal or vision, if you will, is to create a bridge between the real world and cryptocurrency. WONO envisions a world in which users can act as employers and hire skilled individuals or become freelancers, exchange movie subscriptions, or rent/rent out a car. And through the use of blockchain technology, WONO aims to address these problems. And the best part is that since there are no financial institutions or banks involved, WONO transactions don’t have exchange rates.

Fine, that’s great and all but what are the use cases of WONO?

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Use cases for WONO could include space sharing (home), transportation sharing (vehicle), miscellaneous asset sharing (membership, gadgets, instruments) and service sharing (freelancer model). The platform uses the WONO token for transactions and payment on the platform. There is a capability of developers to integrate idea onto the platform using the WONO platform capability.

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The WONO environment consists of the WONO protocol, WONO client and WONO API. The WONO protocol is an Ethereum-based network smart-contract used in the implementation of the business model. The WONO API is a caching service that enables the easy use of the WONO platform. The WONO client is a flexible application system used to interact with the WONO protocol and to work with the WONO API.
With activities and systems carefully organized to ensure a seamless user experience, transparency, first-class security, and user integration in the platform, WONO seeks to be one of the leading service providers in the global rental and sharing industry. With the use of technologically advanced features and methodology, asset monitoring, recommendation services, machine learning, predictive analysis; data analysis and reporting is done with relative ease. All these help in the proper and efficient use and management of the system to help in providing unique service to the renters and people in need of sharing services.

What sets WONO apart from the rest?

WONO will provide users with a completely different experience in dealing with house and car sharing, but will not limit themselves to it alone. Freelancer work and other services will also be possible on the P2P platform. Moreover, all in a wholly transparent and trustworthy way, which is one of the main problems of Craigslist, Airbnb and Uber today. The giants in the industry still do not understand that non-disclosure information policy and unilateral contract terms cannot build long-term trust in problems between market participants. The WONO team has analysed all of these issues and developed a detailed battle plan that will allow them to create a platform that is globally usable and will address the needs of disappointed people.
The solution words are called transparency, mutual trust, reputation and diversity. Indeed, there is also more security and speed in the execution of contracts, be it in the positive or in problematic situations. The holistic approach distinguishes WONO from all the competitors I have studied so far, and just one other project comes close to what WONO has on the plan in the future. It is important to note that users on the WONO platform are paid in WONO tokens.


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In conclusion, a critical factor in my dedication to the project is the highly experienced WONO team. Hardly any other crypto team comes up with such a vibrant mix of diverse developers and experts, bringing with them all the specialisations required to make WONO the most successful platform on the sharing market.

Disclaimer: Part of the article group

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For more information on WONO, you can follow these useful links:

Website : http://WONO.io/
Whitepaper : http://WONO.io/assets/i18n/en/wp.pdf
Facebook: http://facebook.com/WONOworld
Twitter : http://twitter.com/WONOworld
Linkedin :http://linkedin.com/company/WONOworld/
Reddit : http://reddit.com/user/WONOworld
Telegram: http://t.me/WONOworld
Github : http://github.com/WONOrepo