
HMM, okay, making people aware of what wallet to download is being a fool. Your smart!

Exodus is not a trusted company. I applied for one of their UX roles back in March. Before being insulted profusely, one of the owners Daniel (one of the co-founders) seemed overly interested in a personal KeepKey project I had done to showcase my interest and problem-solving abilities in the blockchain space. I found some of his questions not only odd, being a veteran of 20 years but it was the only project he was interested in and believe me I have other more interesting work to talk about that was actually for clients. A lot more.

Still, he insisted I had to do a 2-week challenge and put the outlines of what was needed under these questions about my KeepKey project. He wanted prototyping and a level of detailed work that was utterly ridiculous and had the balls to also state none of this would guarantee I was going to be given the opportunity to interview further. Not only was this unheard of it was highly suspicious.

I politely emailed him and stated my 20 years of experience, had a professional (not student) portfolio, that I had done the KeepKey project, had tons of references and had actually helped them with UI issues with their wallet at the time such as the hide/show UI pattern. He responded a few days later with one of the most insulting emails I have ever received in my entire career. Suggesting I was a talker, not a doer, how I wasn't committed and all manners of psychological nonsense I've seen people in various industries pull on junior or recently graduated talent. I just never responded after.

Fast forward to this evening. I'm updating the KeepKey project in my portfolio and decide to see what Exodus was up to on a nervous but random hunch. WTF!!???

In 1.57.0 Daniel Castagnoli instructed someone to HEAVILY lift my designs and I suspect it had been copied way before this version. I had long had some doubts about them and my first run-in with Daniel (which he doesn't remember) was me profusely railing against his wallet on Cryptocompare as a clear scam with the way they were getting money from fees. He came into that site and actually responded and told me I should apply to work with them if I felt I could build a better product.

This was back in December of 2017. So between that timeline and now, Daniel did decide I could run circles around him and his entire design team but he wasn't going to pay me a cent nor was he not going to personally insult me, which I never did in my feedback about his wallet.

This is the company you're defending. So yes, there is a scam but it's being executed by Daniel Castagnoli who is a dishonest scumbag. Next time you choose to defend them consider this and then ask yourself what Blockchain related company has had the same 8 jobs open for almost 2 years? Exodus is the only one I know of. If Daniel spoke to anyone the way he spoke to me no one in their right mind would work for him.